10 SOS tips for digestion

10 SOS tips for digestion

Good digestion makes an essential contribution to well-being. Whether flatulenceconstipation or diarrhoea: Digestive problems are unpleasant and can sometimes cause severe symptoms.

Temporary digestive disorders are usually harmless – causes can include poor nutrition or lack of exercise. We have put together ten tips for you that can help you control digestion problems.

  1. Carrot soup against diarrhoea germs

The so-called carrot soup, according to Moro, used to be a proven home remedy for diarrhoea in babies and children. Studies have proven the effectiveness: When carrots are boiled, certain substances are produced that prevent the germs from adhering to the intestinal wall. In this way, the germs are excreted more quickly.

The preparation is simple:

  • Boil 500 grams of peeled carrots in one litre of water for one hour.
  • Puree.
  • Fill up to one litre with boiled water and add three grams of table salt.


2. Rely on herbal remedies for diarrhoea.

In the case of diarrhoea, no medication should be used as a rule – antibiotics are rarely necessary and only necessary if prescribed by a doctor. Active ingredients such as loperamide inhibit intestinal movement and thus reduce the urge to defecate, but this slows down the excretion of germs. Therefore, loperamide is only recommended in exceptional cases, such as before a long flight.

However, there are numerous herbal preparations with the following ingredients that can be used against diarrhoea:

  • dried blueberries
  • Blackberry leaf tea
  • Tormentil rhizome, for example, in powder form
  • Uzara root extract (not for pregnancy or bacterial diarrhoea)
    3. Remedy from the spice cabinet for flatulence

If your gut is rumbling, some home remedies can help – aniseed and caraway, in particular, are considered to be bloating. However, fennel, chamomile, and peppermint are also effective for bloating. In addition to teas, there are various preparations for oral use with peppermint and caraway oil.


4. Active ingredients against too much air in the intestine

In the case of severe flatulence, a feeling of fullness or belching, medication with the active ingredients simethicone or dimethicone can relieve the symptoms for a short time.

They have a defoaming effect and can thus reduce air accumulation in the digestive system. Like all medicines, however, they should only be used continuously by consulting a doctor.

5. Coffee against bloating

Coffee also stimulates intestinal activity and can thus help with constipation. Caffeine also stimulates the production of stomach acid and, therefore, counteracts a feeling of fullness. To a certain extent, this also applies to alcohol – it also has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the stomach.

However, this effect is only seen in tiny amounts – high-proof, on the other hand, inhibits digestion. After a rich meal, you should drink an espresso instead of a digestive schnapps. If you have a sensitive stomach or suffer from heartburn, you should avoid coffee and alcohol altogether.

6. Exercise gets the gut going.

The same applies to the intestines and the whole body: sitting for long periods makes you sluggish. Exercise, on the other hand, can improve digestion. A brisk walk after a meal can prevent a midday slump and activate digestion.


7. Fiber promotes digestion

You should get enough dietary fibre to boost your digestive system: dietary fibre is found in fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain products and legumes.

In addition, bulking agents such as psyllium, wheat bran and linseed can  stimulate intestinal activity  – they can be stirred into muesli or  yoghurt , for example  . In any case, it is important that you drink at least 1.5 liters per day so that the fiber can swell in the intestine.

8. Herbal help for constipation

There are also some active ingredients from herbal medicine that can help with constipation: for example, senna leaves, castor oil or buckthorn bark can stimulate digestion. There are various preparations such as tea, juice or capsules available in pharmacies or drugstores. Sauerkraut juice is also known for its digestive properties.

9. Laxatives as a short-term solution

If natural measures have not been effective, medication can provide temporary relief from constipation. In this case, you should use so-called osmotically effective  laxatives  such as lactulose or macrogol.

They are considered to be better tolerated than the so-called stimulant laxatives with active ingredients such as bisacodyl or sodium picosulfate, which can lead to severe fluid and potassium loss. In general,  laxatives should only  be used for a short period of time, as they can themselves cause constipation if used over a long period of time.


10 Quick help for irritable bowel syndrome

In the case of abdominal cramps – for example as part of irritable bowel syndrome – medications containing the active ingredient butylscopolamine can relieve the pain. Various preparations containing the antispasmodic ingredient are available over the counter in pharmacies. Peppermint oil preparations can also have a pain-relieving effect.

Another option for treating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is the drug Iberogast®: It contains a combination of several herbal active ingredients and can therefore be effective for various digestive problems.

Digestive problems as a warning signal

Disorders can also be an indication of a severe illness or infection. If your symptoms persist for more than two weeks, you should have this clarified by a doctor. Blood in the stool, sudden severe vomiting, severe diarrhoea and severe abdominal pain are warning signs that you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


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