12 home remedies for dry eyes

12 home remedies for dry eyes

Working on the computer for a long time or wearing contact lenses for too long can quickly lead to dry eyes and other unpleasant feelings in the eyes. In addition to dryness, this can manifest as burning, itching or a foreign body sensation.

Older people are particularly affected because the production of tear fluid decreases over the years. They then suffer particularly from dry eyes and an annoying foreign body sensation. Women are also often affected, as the female sex hormone estrogen can disrupt the formation of the tear film.

If your eyes are irritated, dry or overstrained, reddened and appear inflamed, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Red-burning eyes usually require targeted therapy with anti-inflammatory eye drops, so a doctor visit should not be unnecessarily delayed if this symptom occurs.

However, if the eye is somewhat strained from exertion, there are several ways to treat the dry eyes yourself. But what can you do about dry eyes? Possible alternatives to eye drops and eye sprays with artificial tears are home remedies. We present twelve effective home remedies for dry eyes and give tips on their effects and applications.


Cucumber is one of the best-known home remedies for relaxing and moisturizing the eye area. The vegetable is over 90 per cent water and is an excellent way to combat dry eyes.

It is best to store the cucumber in the refrigerator until use, as cooling also contributes to relaxation and refreshment. 

There are two possible variants for applying the cucumber mask:

  • The classic and simple form is to place two slices of cucumber directly on the eyelids.
  • Another option is to puree the cucumber and drizzle the vegetable juice on a cotton pad. 

Both the cucumber slices and the cotton pads with the pureed cucumber are placed on the closed eyelids and left on for 12 to 20 minutes.

We present other effective home remedies for dry eyes on the following pages.


This remedy from the medicine cabinet is also an excellent way to soothe dry and stressed eyes. Quark has a cooling effect and moisturizes the skin. Experts assume that the lactic acid bacteria contained in the quark are responsible for the positive impact.

For the application, put about a tablespoon on the closed eyelids and let the curd work until it reaches body temperature or begins to crumble. You can also wrap the quark in a cotton cloth and put it on your eyes.

It is advisable to have a clean cloth ready to wipe your eyes. However, if something gets into your eyes, you can rinse it with warm water. 

Black tea

An effective home remedy for dry and irritated eyes is black tea :

  • To do this, place two bags of black tea in a cup and pour hot water over them. 
  • After about a minute, please remove the tea bags and let them cool down. One way to get the tea bags to cool faster is to put them in the fridge for a brief moment. 
  • Once they have reached a comfortable temperature and are no longer too hot, you can put a tea bag on your closed eyes. 
  • The bags should remain on the closed eyelids for five to ten minutes to develop their effect. 

The tannins contained in black tea, the so-called tannins, are also used in many other areas of medicine because of their decongestant and calming effect.

In addition, black tea is rich in antioxidants, which can bind free radicals and thus also achieve an antibacterial effect. Black tea has a refreshing and invigorating effect due to its caffeine.

It is important to note that pure black tea is used: it should not contain any artificial flavours, as they can also irritate sensitive eyes.


Potatoes offer an alternative way of relaxing from the kitchen. Contrary to what many might expect, this helpful plant from the nightshade family also has a high water content. Like cucumbers, potatoes can also release a lot of moisture to the skin and eyes and can be used as a home remedy for dry eyes.

Take a raw potato and cut two thick slices from it. Then, you put a disc on the closed eye and let it work for a few minutes.

eye massage

Massaging the eyelids can also treat dry eyes by stimulating tear production. The so-called meibomian glands are located at the edges of the eyelids and produce a fatty secretion that forms the top layer of the tear film.

The tear fluid consists of three superimposed layers: on the cornea, there is a mucous layer, followed by a watery layer produced by the lacrimal gland. The outermost layer is the fat layer, produced by the already mentioned Meibomian glands located on the eyelids. These glands can be stimulated by massaging the area around the glands, helping to prevent the eyes from drying out.

To do this, gently use your fingers or a cotton swab to massage the upper and lower lids in circular motions. You can also gently stroke the lids from the inside to the outside several times.

In addition to the eyelids, you can also pay attention to the surrounding areas. To do this, place your index and middle fingers on the bridge of your nose and rub the skin above and along the eyes outwards. With your eyes closed, you can also stroke under the eyebrows from the inside out.


What influence does diet have on the well-being of the eyes? You may be surprised: diet significantly impacts eye health, as certain nutrients can also promote a healthy tear film and thus counteract dry eyes. These include primarily vitamins A, C and E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly found in seafood, plants and nuts. Good examples of fatty saltwater fish include wild salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring. They contain the so-called fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which provide good support for the function of the lacrimal gland. The German Society for Nutrition recommends around 250 mg of long-chain fatty acids EPA and DHA daily. Depending on the fat content of the fish, this can be covered by one to two meals containing fish per week.

Examples of vegetable oils with omega-3 fatty acids are linseed and chia oil, and walnuts are the nuts with the highest omega-3 fat content.

Vitamin A

Another common underlying cause of dry eyes is vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A or retinol is a component of the visual purple of the retina. It is, therefore, essential for office workers and other people who sit in front of the computer for a long time.

Natural sources of vitamin A are mainly animal foods. These include liver, fish, milk, butter, margarine, cream, cheese and egg yolk. The recommended daily amount is 0.8 to 1.8 mg.

It should be ensured that vitamin A is not overdosed, as this can lead to liver or skin damage. Therefore, independent vitamin A substitution with dietary supplements is not recommended.

Alternating bath for the eyes: warm and cold water

Another easy-to-implement tip against dry eyes is to stimulate blood circulation in the eyes. A contrast shower can be an excellent way to combat overstrained eyes.

To do this, you can let cold and warm water run alternately over your eyes when you shower . If your eyes appear stressed and dry over the day, you can also use a cold and warm washcloth to alternate baths.

lavender oil

Lavender oil is a relatively unknown home remedy for dry eyes. Lavender has calming properties, and its pleasant scent promotes relaxation. In addition to the active ingredient linalyl acetate, responsible for the fragrant aroma, lavender also contains the so-called linalool, which has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Essential oils such as lavender oil are generally well tolerated but should not be undiluted in the area around the eyes.

With about two drops of lavender oil and a bowl of hot water, you can quickly create a steam bath for your face, which can be used to relieve dry eyes. Position your face over the bowl, hang a towel over your head and let the steam bath work magic on the irritated eye area.

General tips against dry eyes

If you’re a frequent sufferer of dry eyes, some general tips can help relax your eyes. 

  1. If you suffer from dry eyes, you should drink a lot. Insufficient liquid is consumed, and sensitive parts of the body, such as our eyes, suffer from a lack of liquid. It is therefore recommended to drink at least two litres a day.
  2. Blinking is significantly reduced, especially when working on the screen, so the eyes are not sufficiently moistened. It is advisable to occasionally take your eyes off the screen while working and look into the distance. It can also help to blink your eyes several times in a row.
  3. Contact lens wearers who experience dry eyes should take a few hours off from contact lenses. This allows the eyes to relax, and the tear fluid that gets to the eyeball when we blink can lie over the cornea again. Wearing contact lenses prevents this.
  4. In winter, the heating often leads to dry air in the apartment, which can also cause dry eyes. This can be easily remedied by ensuring sufficient humidity. Ideally, the moisture should be between 40 and 60 percent. If the air is too dry, this can be rectified with a bowl of water placed on top of the running heater to humidify the air in the room. In addition, the air should be exchanged twice a day by consistently airing it out for about ten minutes.

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