5 foods to put you in a good mood in autumn

The dark and cold season is slowly beginning. That can definitely hit one or the other on the mind. Prevent the fall blues and add feel-good foods to your menu. You should know these five to keep a positive feeling in autumn.

1. Sweet Potato

Whether as a puree, baked potatoes or soup: sweet potatoes convince with their sweet taste. They also contain many healthy ingredients, including  iron , an important part of the enzyme that makes  dopamine in the brain  . Dopamine is also known as the feel-good hormone and contributes to a good mood.

2. Rotate Bete

On the one hand, beetroot provides folic acid, which is not only needed by pregnant women. A lack of folic acid can  promote depression  and lack of sleep. On the other hand, the red tubers contain betanin, which is involved in the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin.

3. Dark Chocolate

Dark  chocolate  with a cocoa content of at least 70 percent should not be labeled as a sweet sin. It contains healthy substances such as magnesium or iron. It also provides phenylethylamine, which is involved in the development of feelings of happiness.

4. Turmeric

According to studies, turmeric can help with depressive moods. To be more precise, the yellow plant pigment. It is said to improve the availability of  serotonin  in the brain. However, more studies are needed to confirm the effects of yellow root in humans. Nevertheless, turmeric should be part of a healthy diet because it has a positive effect on digestion. A healthy gut also promotes mental health.

5. Cashewkerne

The high proportion of B vitamins makes cashew nuts an ideal food for the nerves. The nuts also contain tryptophan, an  amino acid that is converted in the body to the happiness hormone serotonin.

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