7 home remedies for a cold: Get fit again quickly!

With constant weather changes, cool nights, relaxation of the corona measures and more people in contact, the risk of catching a cold also increases. A cold usually begins slowly with mild symptoms, which usually alternate. In addition to a runny nose,  sore throat , hoarseness and headaches, exhaustion and tiredness can also occur. Home remedies can relieve these symptoms and, when combined with adequate rest and sleep, can help recovery. These 7 home remedies can help with a cold.

1. Cold – staying hydrated can help

Anyone who has a cold or a cold usually sweats more. Adequate fluid intake is therefore particularly important during a cold. In addition to water, different types of tea can also be drunk, many types also have a positive effect on the body:

2. Elderberry juice – a sweet expectorant

Elderberry has a high content of  vitamin C  and zinc and can strengthen the immune system. Elderberry juice is also a natural expectorant, can soothe the throat and mucous membranes and support a speedy recovery.

Tip:  Slowly heat the elderberry juice in a saucepan – sweeten with honey or elderberry syrup and drink slowly.

3. Inhale – Relieves colds and coughs

Inhaling  can help with coughs and colds to loosen mucus and make breathing easier. In addition to salt water vapor, chamomile or special inhalation solutions from the pharmacy can also be used.

Tip:  Simply dissolve 10 grams of salt or 2 tea bags of chamomile tea in one liter of hot water and breathe in the steam.

4. Peppermint Oil – Relieves headaches and colds

Peppermint oil clears your head, can reduce pain and promote healthy sleep. Peppermint tea is also said to disinfect the mouth and throat and free it from germs.

Caution:  Children and young people in particular can be sensitive to menthol or peppermint oil. The essential oils can cause allergic reactions.

5. Wrap – warm or cold if you have a cold

Cool wraps on the calves help with fever, and a cool wrap can also reduce the pain of headaches. Warm wraps are   applied to the affected areas, such as the chest and throat, for coughs, bronchitis and hoarseness .

6. Onion – natural anti-inflammatory

The onion is an odor-intensive but effective all-rounder for colds. Sacks can be used for severe  earaches  , compresses for sore throats, and onion juice for coughs.

Tip:  Cut the onions into small pieces, put them in a glass together with enough blossom honey and put them in the fridge overnight. The next morning, take a teaspoon of onion juice to combat cold symptoms.

7. Sleep – take it easy when you have a cold

During an infection, the body needs a lot of sleep and sufficient rest. The weakened body needs time to recover. In addition, the immune system works better and more effectively with sufficient sleep. Restful sleep is therefore the best medicine.

Tip:  A warm non-alcoholic beer with honey can   help you fall asleep . The essential oils and bitter substances in hops promote peaceful sleep. The honey also soothes the respiratory tract.

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