Acupuncture for childbirth preparation

Acupuncture  for birth preparation and birth relief is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany. In the meantime, about a third of women who are pregnant for the first time rely on the effect of the small needles. A study by the Mannheim Women’s Clinic shows that the procedure shortens the time it takes for primiparae to give birth on average from ten to eight hours. What is antenatal acupuncture and how does it work?

Relax and gain confidence before giving birth

Acupuncture is a method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is a holistic form of therapy that not only works locally – i.e. where the needle stimulates – but in the whole organism. Although it cannot repair any “destructions” in the body, it does regulate dysfunctional functions. By inserting the needles into precisely defined points, a disturbed energy flow is restored and the energy between different body regions is balanced.

Acupuncture is particularly suitable for pregnant women who want to prepare for childbirth in a natural way. And antenatal acupuncture can help women go through labor relaxed and confident in their own strength and energy. The positive effect of acupuncture for general preparation for childbirth, but also for complaints during  pregnancy  and childbirth, has been proven by various studies.

Acupuncture for general childbirth preparation

A study by the women’s clinic in Mannheim* has shown that acupuncture in primiparae reduces the  length of labor  on average from ten to eight hours.  This positive effect is based on  faster maturation of the cervix  and more targeted contractions in the dilatation phase; i.e. in the time until the cervix is ​​fully open. Acupuncture can only shorten this phase, but has no influence on the expulsion phase.

Prenatal acupuncture also ensures that the woman   feels the labor pains less painfully and that the labor pains are also more targeted during the expulsion phase. Acupuncture’s labor-shortening effect is only triggered when the woman’s body is naturally ready for childbirth. The treatment therefore has no effect on the due date and does not lead to premature labour.

Pregnancy complaints

Typical pregnancy symptoms are:

effect during childbirth

Other studies show the effectiveness of acupuncture for pain relief, labor relief and relaxation during childbirth. It is used with the first stronger complaints; usually with a cervix opening of four to five centimeters.

The acupuncture points for pain relief are in the area of ​​the lower abdomen or the back of the woman. It is also used for problems with the detachment of the placenta (so-called placenta) after the birth of the child.

What happens in the acupuncture session?

Acupuncture to prepare for childbirth is carried out either by a  gynecologist  or by a midwife. Both must have completed appropriate training with a final examination. Treatment starts from the 36th week of pregnancy, usually with one 20 to 30 minute session per week. At least three treatments should be carried out, four are usual.

If the appointment is overdue, further sessions are also possible: Because especially in a time of constant waiting, many women find the close contact with the midwife or gynecologist very beneficial. And they can particularly benefit from the calming effects of acupuncture during this time of tension.

Carrying out the acupuncture treatment

The location of the  acupuncture points  is precisely defined. The midwife feels in the appropriate area until the patient indicates a pressure-sensitive point. In a first step, the needle is brought to a depth of about 0.5 centimeters quickly and without rotating movement. The puncture is usually painless because the standard needle is only 0.3 millimeters thick. It’s made of flexible steel that bends but won’t break.

The needle is then advanced with a rapid rotational movement until the so-called De-Qi feeling is triggered. It can feel like warmth, numbness, pressure, heaviness, tingling, or even a tiny, painless electric shock. However, the feeling varies from patient to patient. The stitch depth depends on the position of the points and can vary between 5 millimeters and several cm, but must be adhered to exactly.

Four points are addressed on each side of the body to prepare for childbirth:

  • below the knee
  • in the area of ​​the inner ankle of the foot
  • on the upper lateral calf
  • on the outside of the little toe

In addition, a head point can be punctured, which has a generally calming effect and helps with anxiety symptoms.

Side effects of acupuncture treatment

Some women experience circulatory problems during treatment. One reason for this, in addition to the purely physical causes, can also be a general “fear of needles”. In the case of circulatory unstable patients, it is therefore helpful to carry out the treatment half-sitting, half-lying with slightly elevated legs. However, the circulatory reaction usually disappears with further treatment because the body gets used to the acupuncture and the patient knows better what to expect at the second session.

After acupuncture, the punctured area may be slightly red or a small  bruise may  form. Both are completely harmless and will go away on their own.

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