Amlodipine lowers blood pressure

Lack of exercise, stress and smoking are just some of the causes that can lead to  high blood pressure  (hypertension). The active substance amlodipine is used to lower high blood pressure again. Amlodipine belongs to the group of calcium antagonists and is one of the most commonly used antihypertensive drugs. In pharmaceuticals, the active substance amlodipine is present either as amlodipine besilate or as amlodipine maleate. Bioequivalence has been proven for the two salts: This means that the active ingredient is present in the blood at the same rate and in the same amounts after ingestion and the clinical effect does not differ.

Amlodipine: effect and mode of action

Active ingredients such as amlodipine reduce the influx of calcium ions into the cells of the vascular muscles. Due to the lower calcium concentration, the ability of the vascular muscles to contract decreases. This leads to an expansion of the vessels and thus to a reduction in blood pressure. This also relieves the heart as it has to pump against less resistance.

In patients with moderate hypertension, the effect of amlodipine can reduce high blood pressure by around ten percent. Since amlodipine also widens the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen, the active substance is also used in  angina pectoris  .

With 40 hours, amlodipine has a long half-life and therefore a long effectiveness. The long half-life has the advantage that drugs with amlodipine as the active ingredient only have to be taken once a day. The long half-life also has a positive effect on the treatment of angina pectoris: Since attacks mainly occur in the early morning, a drug level that hardly changes over 24 hours is beneficial for those affected.

Side Effects of Amlodipine

Like all other medications, the active substance amlodipine also has side effects. Since the vessels are relaxed by taking amlodipine, fluid can get into the tissue. This can lead to headaches and water retention (edema) in the arms and legs.

Also, at the beginning of treatment, one of the most common side effects of amlodipine is facial flushing. This redness occurs because the skin is better supplied with blood as a result of the vasodilatation. Nausea , abdominal pain, dizziness and  tiredness can also   occur. Occasionally, insomnia, visual disturbances, and indigestion may also occur. Only very rare side effects of amlodipine are back pain,  joint pain , blurred vision or mood swings.

Amlodipine and other blood pressure medications

When it comes to preventing heart attacks, other drugs, such as  beta- blockers  and ACE inhibitors, are superior to amlodipine. Compared to these two drugs, treatment with amlodipine can increase the risk of a heart attack and  heart failure  . Because of this, amlodipine is often not prescribed as the only drug, but as a supplement when blood pressure cannot be lowered enough by treatment with beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors.

Interactions with amlodipine

Da der Wirkstoff Amlodipin genau wie alle anderen Calciumkanalblocker über das Leberenzym CYP 3A4 abgebaut wird, kann die Konzentration anderer Medikamente, die über das gleiche Enzym abgebaut werden, beeinflusst werden. Andersherum können Medikamente, die das Enzym CYP 3A4 hemmen, auch die Amlodipin-Konzentration im Blut beeinflussen. Zu diesen Medikamenten gehören unter anderem verschiedene Pilzmittel, Antibiotika sowie Aids-Medikamente.

Werden andere blutdrucksenkende Medikamente, wie beispielsweise ACE-Hemmer oder Betablocker eingenommen, ist ebenfalls Vorsicht geboten: In Kombination kann die Wirkung der blutdrucksenkenden Mittel deutlich verstärkt werden. Deshalb muss die Dosierung der Medikamente durch einen Arzt genau angepasst werden. Grundsätzlich sollten mögliche Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten vor der Einnahme von Amlodipin ebenfalls mit dem Arzt abgeklärt werden.


Bei niedrigem Blutdruck, fortgeschrittener Herzinsuffizienz sowie bei einem akuten Herzinfarkt, einer instabilen Angina pectoris oder einer Verengung der Hauptschlagader darf der Wirkstoff Amlodipin nicht angewendet werden. Desweiteren darf Amlodipin auch von schwangeren Frauen sowie während der Stillzeit nicht eingenommen werden. Ist die Einnahme von Amlodipin dringend nötig, sollte vorher abgestillt werden, da Amlodipin ansonsten in die Muttermilch übergeht.

Other contraindications are hypersensitivity to the substance, cardiovascular shock or severe liver dysfunction. If the liver function is restricted, this can result in an increased reduction in blood pressure. Amlodipine should also not be used in children and adolescents, since the effects on this patient group have not been sufficiently researched to date. It should also be noted that the active ingredient amlodipine impairs the ability to react and thus has a negative impact on driving and using machines.

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