Anti-Inflammatory Foods: The 7 Most Effective!

Anti-inflammatory foods can prevent diseases and should therefore be more on the menu. Free radicals trigger oxidative stress in the body and thus damage our cells. Antioxidants  and certain fatty acids in anti-inflammatory foods fight free radicals, helping to counteract inflammatory reactions.

You can find out which foods have a particularly anti-inflammatory and thus cell-protecting effect in our photo gallery!


Berries have a very high proportion of antioxidants, which catch free radicals and thus have a cell-protecting effect. The following applies to berries: the darker the berry, the higher its content of valuable antioxidants. In blueberries, for example, there is a particularly large amount  of vitamin C  and E. These vitamins prevent inflammatory reactions in the body.

There are even more antioxidants in blackberries: They are particularly rich in anthocyanins. These are water-soluble plant pigments that give the berry its blue-black color. In addition, berries are among the lowest-calorie fruits, which makes them even healthier.


Nuts are also   rich in valuable nutrients that have a positive effect on our health. Brazil nuts, for example, are particularly rich in selenium, which is important for protecting cells from free radicals and for a functioning immune system. In this country, the soil is very low in selenium, which is why the need is often not covered by food.

Walnuts also have an anti-inflammatory effect and can help prevent diseases. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids not only protects our cells, but also heart health.

Nuts also provide a lot  of dietary fiber . These are indigestible food components that accelerate the so-called “intestinal transit time”, i.e. the transit time of food in the body. With a high-fiber diet, pollutants can also be removed from the body more quickly with the stool.

Almonds are particularly rich in flavonoids such as catechin, which is one of the secondary plant substances and has a high antioxidant potential.

Pistachios also contain many  flavonoids  and the highest concentration of all nuts in resveratrol, which supports the immune system. Studies on resveratrol also indicate a positive effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which protects the cardiovascular system overall.


Paprika is also one of the most effective anti-inflammatory foods. Above all, the particularly high proportion of vitamin C is significant here.

But be careful:  In order not to destroy the heat and light-sensitive vitamin C, peppers should not be overheated. The highest content of vitamin C is in the raw peppers, which are good in salads or with snacks, for example. If you don’t like the peppers raw, you should only cook or steam them gently instead of overcooking the  vegetables  in goulash and the like.

onions and garlic

Onions and  garlic also  fight inflammation in the body. The sulfide allicin, a phytonutrient that is also responsible for the strong odor and pungent aroma of onions and garlic, is said to eliminate bacteria and act as an antioxidant.

Among the onions, red onions stand out: They contain far more antioxidants than other varieties and therefore have greater benefits for our health. In addition to detoxifying the body, they are also said to lower cholesterol levels. Allicin is not heat stable, which is why it is partially destroyed during cooking. Therefore, it is better to prepare it gently.


Turmeric is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory foods, which is partly due to the pigment curcumin, which gives the tuber its orange color. Turmeric inhibits endogenous hormones   from triggering inflammation in the body.  It counteracts free radicals and is said to have a positive effect on rheumatoid diseases and chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as  ulcerative colitis .

The liver also benefits from the anti-inflammatory tuber, as it can bind to dietary fats. Turmeric is found in curry spice mixtures, but turmeric can also be bought pure as a spice.

The fresh tuber is also available from us in Asian markets and more and more often in well-stocked grocery stores. Sliced ​​​​fresh turmeric, for example, can be used to prepare a fresh turmeric tea.

Attention:  Turmeric stains heavily, which is why it can make sense to protect the skin with gloves when preparing it.


Kale, which unfortunately is only available to us in the winter months, also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The health-promoting food contains a lot of vitamin C, fiber and secondary plant substances. There are flavonoids in kale that catch free radicals and thus protect our cells.

Auch hier gilt wie fast bei allen Gemüsesorten für die Zubereitung: Weniger ist mehr. Auch wenn Grünkohl im ersten Moment als Rohkost einen gewöhnungsbedürftigen Geschmack haben könnte: In den rohen Grünkohlfasern sind alle entzündungshemmenden Stoffe in vollem Umfang enthalten.

Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit einem leckeren Salat aus Grünkohl mit getrockneten Cranberries, Cashewnüssen und einem Honig-Senf-Dressing? Wem der Geschmack der rohen Grünkohlblätter noch zu gewöhnungsbedürftig ist, der kann sie in einem Smoothie mit frischem Obst kombinieren.

Probiotische Lebensmittel

Probiotic foods also have an anti-inflammatory effect on our body. Because the  lactic acid bacteria contained  in sauerkraut or kimchi, kombucha and kefir help to keep the intestinal flora in balance.

This is particularly important to counteract inflammatory reactions, since our intestines play a key role in the inflammatory process in the body. Probiotic foods strengthen the good intestinal bacteria and thus have an anti-inflammatory effect.



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