Cabbage – regional and healthy: The vegetable season is starting now

Cabbage is a popular vegetable that cannot be missing from home gardens and kitchens. The winter vegetables are available in a wide variety of colours, designs and sizes. They all have one thing in common – they are healthy because they provide the body with important vitamins and minerals over the winter.

In addition to white cabbage, which is mostly grown in Germany, other types of cabbage also have a positive effect on health.

Cabbage at a glance – the healthy vegetable in autumn and winter

Cabbage is particularly impressive due to its high proportion of  vitamin C  and other ingredients such as  folic acid  and calcium. Each type of cabbage impresses with its individual characteristics and cuts a fine figure in dishes – here is an overview of five popular types of cabbage:

  • White cabbage:  White cabbage contains various B vitamins, including folic acid, and vitamin C. It supports the immune system on cold autumn days. In addition, white cabbage supplies the body with selenium. For stomach ulcers, cabbage juice can promote recovery. The leaves of the cabbage are real all-rounders, they are said to be able to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. Tip:  Put the leaves on inflammation, swelling and ulcers and fix them with a gauze bandage – do not put them on open wounds.
  • Kohlrabi:  Like its larger relative, kohlrabi also has a lot of vitamin C as well as vitamin A and K and can therefore prevent colds. Its antioxidants protect against free radicals and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Kohlrabi is also the ideal beauty tip in autumn: the high calcium content strengthens bones, hair, nails and teeth. But that’s not all – kohlrabi also provides the body with important minerals such as  potassium  and magnesium as well as the B vitamin folic acid, which stimulates blood formation.
  • Red cabbage:  Tastes good raw and cooked. Red cabbage also contains vitamins A, E and various B vitamins such as folic acid. The pigments in red cabbage, anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory effect and are said to prevent inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular diseases,  diabetes  and obesity.
  • Savoy cabbage:  A real immune booster – Savoy cabbage is full of vitamins C and E. Just one portion (200 grams) of the cabbage variety is enough to cover the daily requirement for the important vitamin C. Savoy leaves can also relieve inflammation and pain in rheumatism or  gout  . The potassium in savoy can also help dehydrate the body and lower blood pressure.
  • Cauliflower:  Low in calories and healthy – with only 23 kilocalories per 100 grams, cauliflower is the perfect accompaniment to meat, fish or rice dishes. Cauliflower is also trendy as a vegan substitute, for example for chicken wings. The white cabbage has a high content of vitamin C and B vitamins. It also provides the minerals phosphorus and potassium as well as  dietary fiber .

Other popular cabbage varieties such as pointed cabbage, Brussels sprouts or kale will soon be in season – thanks to numerous cabbage varieties, there is variety and a positive effect on health in autumn and winter.


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