Cannabidiol – what is in CBD oil & Co.?
The cannabis plant is best known for the intoxicating substance THC . But it also contains another key active ingredient: cannabidiol, also known as CBD. In contrast to THC, this does not make you “high”, but is mainly used as a remedy because of its calming and antispasmodic effect, for example in the form of CBD oil or capsules. But how does CBD actually work and what are the side effects? We have summarized the most important information for you.
What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is considered the most important non-psychoactive component of the hemp plant. In other words, although CBD is derived from the cannabis plant – commonly referred to as “weed” – it does not induce a high-like state.
This effect is an important difference to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another part of the flowers of cannabis plants. This is also consumed as a drug because it triggers psychological effects that lead to a different state of consciousness, which makes you “high”. 1 However, similar to CBD, THC can also have medicinal uses in certain cases.
Known for its relaxing and anticonvulsant effects, cannabidiol is sold in a variety of forms, including CBD oil. CBD has been approved in Germany since 2011 as an official therapy for rare types of epilepsy where other forms of therapy are ineffective. 2 Otherwise, it is not prescribed by a doctor, but is freely available in stores.
As a novel food , CBD falls under the so-called “Novel Food Regulation” of the European Union (EU). It should be noted that no food or dietary supplement containing CBD has been officially authorized in the EU based on this regulation. So far, the legislature has not permitted sale for consumption or consumption. Nevertheless, CBD is often offered in the form of oil or capsules for ingestion.
How to take CBD oil?
Cannabidiol is primarily used in the form of CBD oil and, unlike prescription THC oil, is available online and in drugstores as a dietary supplement or cosmetic without a prescription. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, the recommendation is to let the oil work under your tongue for about a minute and then swallow it.
If you follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, you should start with a small dose and slowly increase it if there is no effect. A starting dose for adults is three to four drops of a five percent oil twice a day. Since it should take several days for the effects to take effect, one should first wait before increasing the dose.
How does CBD work?
The ingredients of CBD unfold their effect via so-called cannabinoid receptors not only in the brain, but also on the nerve endings of the entire body and on certain cells of the immune system. 3
CBD has an anxiolytic effect and is used to calm anxiety and stress . The anxiolytic effect of CBD has already been proven in studies. 1 CBD also has an antispasmodic effect in diseases such as epilepsy and protects nerve cells from damage, for example in neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis .
In addition, anti-inflammatory effects have also been described through the effect of CBD on immune cells. CBD is also said to have other positive effects on health, including regulating blood pressure, relieving pain and sleep disorders and even helping against diseases such as diabetes and cancer . However, all of these effects have not yet been proven and are sometimes viewed with skepticism by scientists.
Because of its opposite effects to THC, CBD is often used in a 1:1 mix ratio with THC to mitigate the side effects of THC. 1 A study in rats published in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests that when given equal amounts of THC and CBD, the anxiety-inducing effects of THC can be counteracted by CBD. 4
How fast does CBD work?
The CBD oil is said to start working about 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion. The exact time until an effect occurs depends on the type of application.
For example, if you drip CBD oil under your tongue first and then wait a minute before swallowing it, the effects will kick in much faster than if you swallow it straight away. The reason for this is that part of the substance can already be absorbed through the oral mucosa. Nevertheless, it is recommended not to spit out the oil afterwards, as it is assumed that only some components are absorbed through the mucous membrane. You can also swallow the entire oil right away, but it will take a little longer for the desired effect to occur.
There is no specific time when it is recommended to take it. The effect of the oil does not depend on the meals either. However, the effect comes later when the stomach is full; i.e. if you have just eaten before taking the cannabidiol.
Does cannabidiol require a prescription?
Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not require a prescription. You can buy it in pharmacies and drugstores as well as in various online shops. In the form of CBD oil, cannabidiol is commonly available with 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% CBD content.
Doctors only prescribe CBD for otherwise untreatable seizures. Conversely, since CBD is available without a prescription, this also means that the costs usually have to be borne by yourself.
What forms of application are there?
CBD is available in the following forms, among others:
- CBD Oil (CBD Drops)
- CBD-Liquid
- CBD capsules
Most testimonials come from people who take CBD in the form of pure CBD oil . The advantage of this type of application is that it is a cheap variant, the intake and dosage are simple and the CBD is available in good quality. However, since the taste of the oil does not appeal to everyone, it may be advisable to use alternatives.
Cannabidiol liquid is a slightly more expensive alternative for people who like to smoke e-cigarettes and differs from the other forms in that it is much more usable. With this form of application, the substance does not first have to pass through the digestive tract , but is immediately absorbed through the mucous membrane in the alveoli of the lungs when inhaled . The anxiolytic and relaxing effect occurs very quickly. It should be noted, however, that e-cigarettes are associated with various health risks, which is why the use of CBD liquid is not recommended from a health point of view.
The intake of CBD capsules is well compatible with the daily routine for many people. In addition, the dosage is specified, so there is no need to count the drops. The effect is expected to be somewhat delayed, because the capsules are only absorbed in the stomach and intestines and not in the oral mucosa like CBD oil or in the lungs like liquid.
Where else is CBD in it?
CBD globules, cannabidiol in coffee , cannabidiol chewing gum or CBD biscuits are particularly suitable if you just want to try CBD and avoid excessive effects or side effects. For example, cannabidiol globules are weakly dosed and also sweetened. They can be taken against pain and anxiety – despite isolated reports of experience, however, there is a lack of scientific knowledge about their effectiveness.
The combination of cannabidiol with coffee is also popular. Coffee makes many people shaky and agitated. The opposite relaxing effect of CBD prevents these effects and the stimulating effect of the coffee occurs more evenly over a longer period of time. CBD can also be found in many new tea varieties.
In the form of chewing gum , CBD is already available in various drugstores with around five milligrams of CBD per chewing gum. It is supposed to provide fresh breath with essential oils and care for the natural oral flora. However, the manufacturers do not specify what the CBD is supposed to do.
CBD is also used in baking , although mostly just for fun trying out CBD in an appetizing way. Numerous recipes can be found on the internet for CBD cookies and other baked goods.
In addition, there are also variants of “weed” that only contain CBD, so without the damaging and intoxicating THC. This is mainly consumed by people who have “toed” a lot in the past, i.e. smoked cannabis , and do not want to have a foggy head anymore. 5
In addition to the products mentioned, CBD can be found in many other products and the range of dosage forms is expanding more and more.
CBD Oil, CBD Drops and Hemp Oil: What’s the Difference?
Instead of CBD oil, CBD drops, cannabidiol oil or CBD oil are often used . These are actually just other names for the oil. The term cannabis oil also usually means CBD oil.
Hemp oil or hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is a different product that is almost free of THC and CBD. It is mainly used as a component of cosmetics or – similar to hemp seeds – food.
CBD oil must also be distinguished from THC oil, which contains the active ingredient THC.
Do CBD drops have side effects?
The side effects of CBD have not yet been fully researched. In the studies in which cannabidiol was to be tested for side effects, the oil was usually administered to animals in very high doses. Therefore, it is questionable whether these side effects are transmissible to humans.
A study with rats showed that two-week long-term use of CBD oil can also have anxiety-increasing effects. A 2015 study of zebrafish 6 showed that the memories of fish that received CBD on a regular basis worked poorly. However, the evaluation of this result is controversial, since cannabidiol also has a relaxing effect and the fish may not have shown their full concentration potential.
Pregnant women should refrain from consuming CBD, as the hemp component can lead to dysfunction in the supply of nutrients to the child. 7
Other side effects can occur with high doses of CBD, for example when prescribed by a doctor for epilepsy. Active ingredients that contain CBD in high doses include dronabinol and nabilone. Diarrhea , loss of appetite, and drowsiness are among the more common side effects with sustained use of a high dose. However, if CBD is only used occasionally for relaxation and taken in much lower doses, these effects are considered rare.
Dangers: CBD with alcohol and drugs
Interactions can occur if CBD is taken at the same time as other medications, such as stomach protection agents ( pantoprazole ) or antidepressants . If the breakdown of CBD and other drugs taken at the same time happens via the same mechanisms, both substances can remain in the body longer when taken at the same time. As a result, the effect can last longer or even be increased – which can be dangerous. Therefore, if you take another drug regularly, you should consult your doctor about the interactions before taking cannabidiol.
Occasionally, those affected also report heart palpitations when drinking alcohol and taking CBD at the same time , but this is not one of the scientifically researched interactions.
Cannabidiol and driver’s license – driving allowed?
As already mentioned, cannabidiol is a component of the hemp plant that has no intoxicating effect – unlike THC. Thus, the consumption of CBD does not limit the ability to drive: its use and subsequent driving are legal.
The classic drug test is therefore only tested for the presence of THC. This urine test cannot detect the components of the CBD and is therefore negative. However, other specific urine tests can detect CBD, and CBD can also be detected in the blood during consumption and a few days afterwards.
However, many CBD products contain not only CBD, but also other components of the cannabis plant. Therefore, a small amount of THC is often included. Therefore, you should, especially before driving, take a look at the package leaflet and make sure that no THC is processed in the medicine .