Chaste tree
Monk’s pepper is at home in the warm countries around the Mediterranean. The willow-like shrub can grow up to six meters tall and bears small, pleasantly scented flowers that are white, pink or purple in colour. They produce the brown-black, pepper-like fruits that are processed for medicinal purposes. For example, chaste tree is used to relieve symptoms during menstruation or menopause  . You can find out here how chaste tree is used as a medicine and what effects and side effects can be expected.
Monk’s pepper relieves menstrual discomfort
Extracts from the fruits of the chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus) are among the most frequently prescribed medicines for symptoms before menstruation  such as
- Pains
- irritability or
- water retention
It is therefore used for all those symptoms that are summarized under the term premenstrual syndrome  (PMS). But also disorders of the menstrual cycle and the annoying feeling of tension in the chest can be treated well with monk’s pepper extract.
Active ingredients in chaste tree
Like many herbal remedies, agnus castus supplements contain multiple active ingredients, including essential oils, flavonoids ,  and fatty acids. It has not yet been possible to finally clarify which ingredient is responsible for the medicinal effect of chasteberry.
What is certain, however, is that the total extract stabilizes various biochemical processes in the network of female hormones, the perfectly coordinated cooperation of which is a prerequisite for the cycle to function smoothly. It is known that monk’s pepper influences the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine and thereby reduces the release of the hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland  .
Effect on the menstrual cycle and female hormones
Prolactin is usually formed more during breastfeeding and then supports milk production. Many women who suffer from menstrual cramps or PMS have significantly increased prolactin levels,  which leads to breast tenderness, sad moods or heavy menstrual bleeding. Declining prolactin levels stimulate the production of progesterone  (also called corpus luteum hormone) in the ovaries via various control mechanisms.
This also has a positive effect on PMS: together with estrogen, progesterone plays the main role in regulating the female menstrual cycle. Doctors suspect that an imbalance between the two hormones is one of the main causes of PMS. Most affected women lack progesterone, which is normally the dominant hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Chaste tree extract in menopause
Monk’s pepper can also create a balance for the first symptoms of menopause. Because the change usually begins with irregular cycles and a decline in corpus luteum hormone production. Later, however, there is an increased lack of estrogen and the bleeding finally stops altogether.
Pregnant thanks to chaste tree?
Too much prolactin can also help prevent pregnancy because it suppresses ovulation. Since progesterone, on the other hand, prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg cell, chasteberry extracts could also help women who want to have children and who cannot become pregnant due to yellow body weakness. Affected women report positive experiences and successful treatment.
The right application
Monk’s pepper preparations are available in pharmacies without a prescription as capsules, film-coated tablets or drops . An infusion as a tea  is less recommended, as some ingredients are difficult to dissolve in water.
In order for the medicinal plant to work, a chaste tree preparation must be taken for several months. Before self-treatment, women should consult their doctor, since chaste tree should not be taken in certain hormone-dependent diseases.
The possible side effects also include skin rashes, headaches  and gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, interactions can occur when dopamine receptor antagonists (e.g. neuroleptics or antiemetics, i.e. drugs to suppress nausea  and vomiting) are taken at the same time .
In our medicinal plant encyclopedia you will find more information about the application, dosage, effect and side effects of monk’s pepper .
Monk’s pepper: “chaste lamb”
The plant has the botanical name Vitex agnus castus, where agnus castus means chaste lamb. Hence the name chaste mud, as the chaste tree is often called in Germany.
It gives indications of the effect attributed to the plant in ancient times: in Greek legends, monk’s pepper was considered a symbol of chastity, as it was said to dampen sexual urges  . Hera, the wife of Zeus and guardian of marriage, is said to have been born under such a bush.
In medieval monastic life, monks would heavily season their food with the pepper-like seed to tame their carnal desires. It was customary to fumigate the cells with  sprigs of chasteberry and to pad the mattresses with the leaves so that the calming effect could spread to the inhabitant. It is questionable whether this has helped, because modern studies have not been able to confirm that chasteberry has an anti-lust effect. Small amounts are supposed to inspire desire.