Coriander: Uses, medicine, Synonyms, Effects, and Side Effects
The plant comes from the eastern Mediterranean area and the Near East. It is cultivated worldwide as a spice plant; the drug is mainly imported from Russia, south-eastern Europe and Morocco.
Coriander seeds as medicine
The ripe, dried fruits (Coriandri fructus), often also called seeds, are used as a drug. The essential oil (Coriandri aetheroleum) is also used.
Characteristics of Coriander
Coriander is an approximately 60 cm tall, malodorous, 1-year-old plant with notched leaves. The flowers are white to pale pink, 5-fold and arranged in double umbels.
The outer petals of the marginal flowers are slightly larger so that there is a certain resemblance to daisy flowers. With increasing ripeness, the small fruits disintegrate into two single-seeded fruit parts.
coriander fruits
The drug consists of dried, brown, more or less spherical fruits. The diameter of the fruits, most of which do not break down into partial fruits, is between 1.5 and 3 mm. As the bark dries, several major and minor ribs emerge.
Smell and taste of coriander
The smell and taste of coriander are aromatic and spicy, which is why the plant is often used as a condiment in the preparation of dishes. On the other hand, the smell of the unripe fruits and leaves is rather unpleasant.
Coriander – application
Coriander is used for digestive problems such as a feeling of fullness, mild cramp-like symptoms or flatulence. Coriander can also be taken if you have a loss of appetite, and it stimulates your appetite.
Traditional use of coriander
Traditionally, coriander has been taken with other substances to relieve discomfort and aid digestion. However, the central area of ​​application for coriander is as a spice and liqueur additive.
The tobacco and perfume industries also use essential oils.
Used in folk medicine and homeopathy
In ancient times, coriander’s properties were described as “worm-killing”. Even today, coriander is considered in folk medicine to be an adequate remedy for treating worms and as an ointment for rheumatism and joint pain.
Because of its essential oil content, it is also used as an antispasmodic (spasmolytic), gastric remedy, and remedy for flatulence (carminative).
In the broadest sense, homoeopathic use corresponds to official use.
Constituents of Coriander
The main active ingredient in coriander is believed to be the essential oil, which makes up about 1% of the dry weight of the fruit. The main ingredient of the essential oil is linalool (60-70%), which is also responsible for the aromatic taste.
Other fruit components include coumarins, triterpenes, caffeic acid derivatives, fatty oils, flavonoids, and proteins. Aliphatic compounds, predominant at this growth stage, are probably responsible for the unpleasant “bug smell” and aroma of the unripe fruit and leaves.
For which indication does coriander help?
Coriander is used medicinally in the following cases:
- loss of appetite
- indigestion
- indigestion
- cramps
- stomach cramp
- gas
- bloating
- malaise
- worms
- worm infestation
- rheumatism
- joint pain
Coriander – Dosage
Coriander is presented as a crushed and powdered drug and other oral preparations.
Coriander is also a component of various tea blends, mainly gastrointestinal teas, and is often used as a flavour corrector. In addition, coriander is found in numerous combination preparations, mainly in drops, less often in ointments.
Coriander Seeds: What Dose?
Unless otherwise prescribed, the average daily dose is 3 g of the drug.
Preparation of coriander
1-3 g of fresh coriander (1 teaspoon corresponds to about 2.3 g) is crushed and poured over with boiling water to prepare the tea. Finally, when the tea has been left covered for 10-15 minutes, it can be strained through a tea strainer.
What is to be considered?
Coriander should not be used if you are known to be hypersensitive to coriander or other umbellifers.
The drug should be stored dry and protected from light in tightly sealed glass or metal containers.
Coriander – Synonyms
German plant name: Cilantro
German synonyms of the plant: Garden Coriander, Stink Dill, Bug Dill, Wall Licewort, Bugwort Dizziness Seeds, Klanner
Latin plant name: Coriander sativum L. var. vulgar ALEF
Latin synonyms of the plant: Coriander sativum L. var. vulgare ALEF., Coriander sativum L. var. macrocarpum DC., Coriandrum sativum L. var. microcap DC
German drug name: coriander fruits
German synonyms of the drug: Coriander Seeds, Stink Dill Seeds, Dizzy Grains, Dizzy Weed Seeds, Bug Dill Seeds
Latin drug name: Coriander fruit
Latin synonyms of the drug: Coriander fruit
English name: Coriander seed, Coriander fruit
Plant family Latin: Apiaceae (früher: Umbelliferae)
Plant family German: doldenblütler
Coriander – effect
Coriander’s antispasmodic, anti-bloating, and antimicrobial properties are believed to be due to its essential oil content. The linalool contained in this has an inhibiting effect on the growth of bacteria.
Coriander: side effects
There are no known side effects or interactions with other agents when taking coriander.