Corona vaccine soon for inhalation?

The coronavirus poses new challenges for vaccine manufacturers: Constant mutations require booster vaccinations, new vaccine technologies are brought to market. The mRNA and vector vaccine is followed by a vaccine that can be administered by inhalation.

In particular, vaccines based on vector technology form a good basis for an inhaled vaccine.

This is how the inhaled corona vaccine works

According to initial findings, theĀ  corona vaccine Ā from a Chinese manufacturer can achieve a good immunological effect when used by inhalation. The results of the phase 1 study indicate that the inhaled vaccine can be used as a booster for a muscular injection.

The vaccine can be administered through an inhaler or nasal spray. Vector vaccines are pioneers in this respect. With this type of vaccine, central information about the pathogen ofĀ  SARS-CoV-2 Ā (antigen) is packaged in the envelope of a harmless virus (vector). The vector is responsible for transporting the antigen, i.e. the blueprint for the spike protein. This protein normally allows the virus to attach to human cells. The body recreates the spike protein using the information from the vaccination and subsequently recognizes the protein as foreign. TheĀ  immune system Ā reacts and produces antibodies and T-cells.

Adenoviruses, which infect the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes, are usually used as vectors. Therefore, the vaccine type is particularly well suited.

Phase 1 study results

A total of 130 subjects were randomly divided into five different test groups as part of the phase 1 study:

  • 2 groups inhaled the vaccine as an aerosol via an inhaler
  • The dosage differed between the two groups
  • 2 other groups received the vaccine as an intramuscular injection
  • Group 5 received one dose as an injection, the second wasĀ  inhaled

The results show

  • that the first dose after inhalation is generally better tolerated.
  • that the amount of IgG antibodies in the blood was lower after inhalative use, but no disadvantage was evident in the neutralization tests.
  • that in the mixed application the effectiveness was highest. The neutralizing antibody titers were twice as high as in the other groups.

To what extent the inhalation of the vaccine could affect the airways has not yet been researched. Other common side effects are already known and do not differ from the approved corona vaccines.

In addition to the Chinese vaccine, there are already seven candidates for an inhaled vaccine, for which no clinical results are available so far.


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