Ulcerative colitis – diagnosis and treatment

Ulcerative colitis - diagnosis and treatment

Ulcerative Colitis: Diagnosis

The clinical symptoms and the physical examination usually provide the doctor with the suspected diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. The blood shows signs of inflammation in ulcerative colitis, which, however, are non-specific and do not always correlate with the severity of the disease.

The most crucial examination for more precise clarification is the colonoscopy, in which a tissue sample is taken and examined in the laboratory and under the microscope. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis can almost always be made in this way.

In addition, an ultrasound examination of the abdomen and a stool examination are carried out. In this way, other causes, such as an infection, can be ruled out, and other organ changes can be identified.


Ulcerative Colitis: Therapy

So far, the only way to cure ulcerative colitis is by surgery. This operation means the complete removal of the large intestine (colectomy). However, this is only reserved for certain complications and severe courses of ulcerative colitis in which the symptoms do not improve with drug treatment.

The aim of the latter is, on the one hand, to lengthen the time between the flare-ups of the disease and, on the other hand, to alleviate the flare-ups. Anti-inflammatory agents are used for this, which, if possible, are only used at the event’s site (e.g. with suppositories), but in more severe cases, they must also be given through the bloodstream.

Essential medications are aminosalicylates in milder cases otherwise cortisone preparations. If these do not help against ulcerative colitis, drugs that slow down the immune system (immunosuppressants) are prescribed. The additional administration of antibiotics, frankincense extracts and so-called growth factors are still being tested.

Treat Ulcerative Colitis

Probiotics, i.e. certain bacteria that improve the intestinal flora (Escherichia coli Nissle), are also recommended to alleviate flare-ups in ulcerative colitis. A promising alternative could be the “cocktail” made from pork whipworm eggs taken twice a month. The parasites are supposed to hatch from these in the intestines, which die after a short time and are excreted. The idea behind this is that it stimulates the immune system. The effectiveness has yet to be proven.

The exact treatment plan of this ulcerative colitis therapy depends on the individual course, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and whether there is an acute flare-up (“acute therapy”) or whether it is only to be prevented (“maintenance therapy”).


Ulcerative colitis: diet and bed rest

It is essential to see a doctor as soon as symptoms of ulcerative colitis appear, as early medical intervention can shorten the duration and severity of the attack. During an inflammatory episode, staying in bed and stopping eating makes sense. In severe cases of ulcerative colitis, you may need to be admitted to the hospital and given an infusion. A special diet for ulcerative colitis patients is unnecessary, although a balanced, light, whole-food diet makes sense.

If bleeding occurs frequently, iron may need to be taken, and if cortisone is taken for a long time, calcium and vitamin D can be used to prevent bone damage. Psychological support and self-help groups make it easier for those affected to cope with the disease.

Ulcerative colitis: course and prognosis

The prognosis is good if only the last sections of the intestine are affected by ulcerative colitis. However, if the entire colon is affected, life expectancy is limited. A severe first attack, old age at the onset of the disease and complications also worsen the prognosis of ulcerative colitis. To detect early stages of cancer, regular control colonoscopies are essential from the eighth year of illness in ulcerative colitis.

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