Diet for gallstones

Gallstones are caused by clogging in the bile. Poor diet is one possible factor that can promote the formation of such clumps. Gallstones themselves are harmless, but they can cause painful biliary colic or inflammation of the gallbladder. Read here what you should pay attention to in your daily diet if you have gallstones and how you can prevent the stones from forming with the right diet.

gallbladder and gallstones

Bile – also known as bile – is crucial for fat digestion. It is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder. If necessary, the liquid is released into the duodenum by the contraction of the gallbladder. Gallstones can form in the gallbladder as a result of various factors, such as certain illnesses or a poor diet.

Gallstones – what to do?

Gallstones that are not causing problems are usually not removed. If the stones become noticeable, the disturbing stone is often surgically removed after the flare-up has subsided. In the case of chronic stone disease, however, this procedure is not sufficient, here it is usually unavoidable to remove the gallbladder.

If gallstones are present, one should try to prevent the development of biliary colic or inflammation of the gallbladder. Various factors, including diet, can contribute to this. Below we give you tips on how to eat when you have problems with bile. However, you should always clarify the details with your doctor. The nutrition tips can also help to prevent the formation of gallstones in healthy people.

Diet for gallstones

If you follow a few basic rules, you can eat normally despite gallstones. A bile-sparing diet, which was often recommended in the past, is no longer prescribed today. It should be noted, however, that no food should be consumed during an acute biliary colic and immediately afterwards.

Avoid too much fat

Biliary colic is often caused by heavy, high-fat meals. Too much fat causes the gallbladder to contract to release as much bile as possible. This process can trigger biliary colic. Therefore, if you have problems with the gallbladder, you should avoid high-fat dishes. Animal fats in particular are usually difficult to digest, while vegetable fats are more suitable.

However, a completely fat-free diet is also not recommended for gallstones: If only very little fat is ingested, the bile remains in the gallbladder for a particularly long time and thickens considerably. This can lead to the formation of sludge or gallstones, which can lead to biliary colic or inflammation of the gallbladder.

Eat small meals

If you have gallstones, you should make sure that your daily diet puts as little stress on the gallbladder as possible. It is particularly important to avoid large and heavy meals. Because the more food you eat, the more bile is needed. In order to be able to release large amounts of bile, the gallbladder has to empty itself particularly intensively. In order to spare the organ this burden, you should eat small meals.

However, the meals must not be too small either, otherwise too much bile will remain in the bile and can thicken. A meal after which you feel full but still feel good and flexible is ideal.

Avoid flatulent foods

Food with a flatulent effect should not be eaten if you have gallstones, because  flatulence  increases the pressure on the gallbladder. Cabbage , legumes and  black salsify are considered to be particularly flatulent  . In addition,  onions  and  garlic are also  said to have a flatulent effect, but this is usually weaker.

Try out for yourself which foods you tolerate well and where your personal limit lies. Foods that cause you problems after eating should then be avoided in the future.

Diet for gallstones: ideal foods

Certain foods help stimulate bile production and aid digestion. These foods include  chicory , dandelion lettuce, grapefruit and  pomelo  , and endive salad, among others. The positive effect on bile health is due to the bitter substances contained in the food. When eating chicory, pomelo and the like, you should make sure that your body slowly gets used to the food in question.

6 more diet tips for gallstones

  1. Drink enough fluids – preferably water or unsweetened  herbal teas .
  2. Avoid hard-boiled  eggs , because they are particularly difficult to digest and therefore unfavorable for the gallbladder. Eggs that are prepared differently, on the other hand, may be eaten from time to time.
  3. Obesity  can promote the formation of gallstones, so you should lose excess weight – but slowly and not through a radical diet. Starvation diets, like being overweight, have a negative effect on gallbladder health.
  4. Avoid refined sugars as they can promote gallstone formation.
  5. Eat fish regularly, because the  omega-3 fatty acids it contains  ensure that the cholesterol content in the bile is reduced.
  6. Favor foods that keep your digestion going, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

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