Do you know your “inner drivers”?
Experiences that we have as children and when we are young have a decisive influence on our personality in adulthood. Many behaviors – which we are often not aware of – can be traced back to inner drivers. Be quick! Give your best! Who doesn’t know them – these sentences from childhood. They help us get along in the world and gain security. But sometimes there comes a point where we are driven and our drivers become our undoing.
The 5 “Inner Drivers”
- be perfect!
- Be quick!
- Please everyone!
- Give your best!
- Be strong!
“Inner drivers” can be stressful…
Drivers have brought us to where we are today – they have become part of our personality. For the most part, they arose in our childhood under the influence of parental upbringing or other educators such as e.g. B. Teacher.
Basically, the drivers Speed, Accuracy, Kindness, Effort and Strength are positive qualities – they helped us achieve the current status quo of our development. However, they can also block and have a restrictive or burdensome effect, especially if they have been adopted as a principle.
Examples of this are: making mistakes is bad, time is precious, everyone should like me or you shouldn’t show weaknesses. In this case, inner drivers do not lead to success, because their claim to absoluteness and their exclusivity cannot be fulfilled.
…or motivate
Every driver – as long as you have become aware of it – also has the possibility of opposing it to one or more so-called allowers. These can be: I can take time for myself, I can also say no, I can show feelings or I can also relax. With “permitting” you create the necessary freedom and can free yourself from constricting pressure. Incidentally, there is also an opportunity here to further develop your personality.
Control “inner drivers”.
During the development towards adulthood, one should become clear about one’s drivers so that they cannot have a negative impact on one’s life. Anyone who ensures clarity in work and private life also creates the necessary freedom for the things that are close to your heart.
The aim is therefore to develop awareness of which reactions make sense and which only  cause stress . Old driver thoughts can then be successively replaced by new thought patterns.