Dry January: This is what happens in the body when you don’t drink alcohol!

New year, new luck – and new resolutions. Many people have made healthy resolutions at the turn of the year. Some try to eat more consciously and healthily, others want to stop smoking. After an intense Christmas season with  mulled wine  and punch, abstaining from alcohol is also very much in vogue. More and more people are planning a Dry January, also known as an alcohol-free January. Giving up alcohol for a month may sound easy to some, but taking a break from alcohol can also be a challenge. But abstaining from alcohol pays off – body and mind react positively to the dry month. What effect does abstaining from alcohol have on the body and how this makes itself felt!

1. Dry January detoxifies the liver

Alcohol-free month is a liver detox. The organ suffers the most from alcohol consumption because it has to break down the toxic alcohol. If this happens regularly, the liver stores it as fat, which can result in fatty liver. Diabetes , obesity and  high blood pressure  through to vascular diseases can result from organ fatty degeneration.

The liver can recover during the alcohol break, which has a positive effect on general well-being.

2. Avoiding alcohol promotes better sleep

Taking an alcohol break can help   reduce insomnia and encourage healthy sleep patterns . As a result, many people have more energy during the day. The performance increases, concentration problems and memory gaps also decrease.

3. Alcohol break strengthens the heart

As little as 0.8 per thousand alcohol in the blood can lead to  cardiac arrhythmias  and tachycardia. After half a day, the heartbeat returns to normal. Anyone who spends an alcohol-free month strengthens the heart and gets the body’s motor back in sync.

4. Alcohol break ensures a more conscious drinking behavior

Anyone who abstains from alcohol for a month reflects on their own drinking habits. When people drink, how much they drink and whether there are certain triggers or whether it is purely a matter of enjoyment can be better considered. This also has a lasting effect on alcohol consumption. After an alcohol break, many people consume less alcohol than before.

5. Avoiding alcohol is easy on the stomach

Avoiding alcohol also has a positive effect on the stomach. Regular consumption promotes the increased formation of gastric acid, which can lead to inflammation or irritation of the mucous membrane. Stomach ulcers  can also  result. After regular consumption, an alcohol break of one to two months is recommended to relieve the stomach.

6. Alcohol break supports weight loss

Alcohol is usually full of calories. Beer, mixed drinks or cocktails cause unconscious extra pounds on the hips. Alcohol consumption can also  inhibit metabolism  and promote weight gain. An alcohol break can also have a positive effect on the scales.

7. Dry January ensures better blood values

Alcohol fasting can lower blood pressure and  cholesterol  and reduce the risk of diabetes. In addition, carcinogenic substances in the blood should be reduced. The alcohol fast can prevent cardiovascular and vascular diseases.

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