EMA continues to recommend AstraZeneca vaccine
Like the World Health Organization, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) continues to support the use of the vaccine.
Medicines Agency press conference.
EMA backs AstraZeneca vaccination
Like the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is sticking with the AstraZeneca vaccine  . So far, no connections between the dangerous cerebral thrombosis and the AstraZeneca vaccination have been proven. However, further investigations are to be carried out by the expert group of the EMA.
In addition, the risks of vaccination in connection with the cerebral vein thrombosis mentioned should be explicitly pointed out. Whether and how individual nations stick to the vaccine is up to them individually.
AstraZeneca in Germany: Ministers decide on Friday
Since the AstraZeneca vaccine has advantages, especially in terms of available quantities and easy storage, Germany wants to stick with AstraZeneca on a voluntary basis. However, there should be explicit government decisions on Friday.