
Not only koala bears appreciate the eucalyptus, which is their only source of food. Its active ingredients make the symptoms of a  cold  more bearable and scare away unwanted insects. The eucalyptus belongs to the myrtle family and is therefore related to  clove  and guava. Originally native only to Australia and Tasmania, the eucalyptus species are now planted worldwide in subtropical and Mediterranean climate zones. Over 500 species are now known, with the “common eucalyptus” (Eucalyptus globulus) being the most commonly used medicinally.

History of the Eucalyptus

The name derives from the Greek eu = good and kalyptos = closed and refers to the flower bud that opens with a lid that comes off.

However, earlier generations had fewer medical reasons for cultivating the tall, fast-growing tree: since around the 17th century it has been used in the Mediterranean region to drain swamps with the purpose of depriving mosquitoes, which transmit diseases such as  malaria  , of the basis for reproduction. The name “fever tree” is probably based on this, because the ingredients themselves have no antipyretic effect.

The tree was also discovered as a source of wood. Eucalyptus wood is particularly hard-wearing and is used, for example, to build ship keels.


Because of its antiseptic properties, eucalyptus oil has been used since ancient times to disinfect medical equipment and to treat wounds. Today, according to the European Pharmacopoeia, the dried leaves of older eucalyptus trees and the essential oil extracted from the fresh leaves and twig tips are used as a herbal  medicine  . However, the leaves as such no longer play a major role in the application.

effect of the essential oil

The oil obtained by steam distillation is usually used. This main active ingredient – a fast-evaporating, typically aromatic-smelling essential oil – is also released when eucalyptus leaves are rubbed between the fingers. The  1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) it contains  has an expectorant and expectorant effect in the bronchial and nasal areas and leads to a cooling effect on the skin. This phenomenon is also used in preparations in sports ointments or local antirheumatic rubs. When  inhaling  eucalyptus oil, the cooling effect gives the feeling of improved nasal breathing.

After being absorbed into the body, the essential oil is partly excreted through the lungs. On its way, it can get to grips with bacteria and viruses on site, loosen tough, stuck mucus and make it easier to cough up. A classic medicinal form containing eucalyptus oil is cold ointments or balms for rubbing on the chest and back, where the essential oil is inhaled through evaporation on the one hand and has an effect on the other through the skin.

Use of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is often used in cough drops, cold baths and because of its deodorizing effect in toothpaste and mouthwash. Because of the strong smell, it is still used as an insect repellent. Another group of active ingredients, the tannins, comes into play when drinking eucalyptus tea: Due to its astringent, i.e. contracting effect on the pharyngeal mucosa, eucalyptus tea is also suitable for use in  inflammation  in this area.

Tolerance of eucalyptus

According to the latest research, another group of substances contained in the leaves promises positive effects: Phloroglucin compounds seem to reduce inflammation and also inhibit bacteria and viruses. To what extent these compounds are important for the effectiveness has yet to be clarified.

Eucalyptus preparations are generally well tolerated, only in very rare cases can they lead to  nausea , vomiting and diarrhea. However, eucalyptus should not be used in the case of severe inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal area, the bile or severe  liver diseases  .

Caution is also required with infants and small children: eucalyptus preparations should never be applied to their faces, especially their noses. Because the essential oils can trigger the so-called Kratschmer reflex in them. There is a risk of breathing disorders up to and including suffocation due to spasms in the larynx.


In scientific studies, eucalyptus influenced certain  enzymes that break down drugs, among other things. Therefore, caution should be exercised when taking medicines and eucalyptus preparations at the same time, since the effectiveness of the medicines may be reduced.


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