Treat dry eyes effectively

Treat dry eyes effectively

Dry eyes – also known as sicca syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca – can have a variety of causes. It is not uncommon for the symptoms to be caused by sitting in front of the computer for hours. But environmental stimuli, certain diseases and wearing contact lenses can also be triggers. The symptoms can usually be relieved with tear substitutes in the form of drops or gels. We give tips on other treatment options for dry eyes and insufficient tear fluid.

Why do eyes get dry?

One speaks of dry eyes when the conjunctiva and the cornea are no longer moistened with sufficient tear fluid.

There are various reasons for this:

  • More tear fluid is needed.
  • The composition of the tear fluid has changed.
  • The frequency of blinking has decreased.

Environmental stimuli also play an essential role, often causing increased evaporation of the tear fluid.


diseases as a cause

A wide variety of diseases can cause dry eyes. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor if the symptoms persist over an extended period.

The following diseases, among others, are possible causes:

  • Disease of the sebaceous glands at the edge of the eyelid
  • Change in the shape of the eyeball
  • conjunctival scars
  • Vitamin A Deficiency
  • nerve damage
  • Sjogren’s Syndrome

Dry eyes as a side effect

In addition, dry eyes can also occur as a side effect of rheumatism, diabetes or thyroid gland diseases.

Women also suffer more frequently from dry eyes after menopause since the function of the lacrimal glands can decrease due to hormonal changes.


Environmental irritants lead to dry eyes.

However, dry eyes do not always have to be caused by a disease. Environmental stimuli are also often responsible for the symptoms. Examples of these stimuli include:

Such environmental influences irritate the eyes and ensure the tear fluid evaporates more quickly.

Dry eyes from taking medication

In addition to diseases and environmental irritants, dry eyes can be caused by certain medications. These include antihistamines or beta-blockers but also painkillers such as acetylsalicylic acid.

Computer work as a cause

Blinking frequency is often significantly reduced in people who work on the computer. In extreme cases, the blink is only once or twice a minute. The lack of blinking can lead to dry eyes in the long term. Therefore, take regular breaks from work and blink as regularly as possible.

In addition to people with office jobs, older people and people with contact lenses are particularly often affected by dry eyes.


Red or itchy eyes: Other causes are also possible

If the eyes are dry, they are often red, itchy, or burning. They may also be susceptible to light. However, red, itchy or burning eyes can also have other causes.

For example,  red eyes can indicate conjunctivitis. Injuries or chemical burns are also possible triggers. However, red eyes can also have relatively harmless causes, such as a burst blood vessel. In general, you should always see an ophthalmologist if your eyes are red and do not go away quickly. This is especially true if the eye is itchy, watery, or light-sensitive.

Itchy eyes are often associated with hay fever. Special eye drops can then help to relieve the symptoms. If your eyes itch or burn, this can also be a sign of an eye infection. Burning can also be triggered by a caught insect or a speck of dust.

Eye drops relieve the symptoms.

Eye drops – artificial tears – are often used to treat dry eyes. They form a fine liquid film on the eye’s surface, relieving the symptoms. If liquid drops do not show a satisfactory effect, gels can also be used. These have the advantage that they permanently stabilize the tear film.

Make sure that the drops or gels do not contain any preservatives, as this can worsen the symptoms.

Use eye drops correctly.

Before using the drops, you should wash your hands thoroughly so that no germs get into your eyes.

Tilt your head slightly for the drop, pull the lower eyelid down slightly and drip the drop into the conjunctival sac. Make sure that the tip of the drop does not touch the eye.

Then, close your eyes for ten seconds.


Seven tips against dry eyes

Dry eyes can have many different causes. Depending on the cause, different tips can help to alleviate the symptoms:

  1. Ensure the humidity is sufficiently high, for example, with a humidifier. Also, give your eyes regular fresh air.
  2. Avoid smoke and dust.
  3. Drink at least two litres – water if possible – per day.
  4. Pay attention to a sufficiently high blinking frequency if you work on the computer more often. Take breaks to blink and do eye relaxation exercises consciously.
  5. Avoid drafts. For example, the ventilation in the car should not be directed towards the eyes.
  6. Get enough sleep. The symptoms usually worsen significantly due to lack of sleep.
  7. Use low-irritant cosmetics.

Tips for contact lens wearers

If you have dry eyes, people with contact lenses should do without the lenses or at least wear them alternately with glasses. To avoid damage to the eye, contact lens wearers should wet their eyes with artificial tears if necessary.

If in doubt, see a doctor.

You should consult an ophthalmologist if you suffer from dry eyes for a long time. This is the only way to avoid damage to the cornea or conjunctiva safely. The doctor can determine whether enough tear fluid is produced. This is done using the so-called Schirmer test, in which a small strip of filter paper is placed in the conjunctival sac. With the help of a fluorescent liquid, he can also examine the tear film on the eye more closely. 

If too little tear fluid is produced, the doctor will check the tear fluid’s composition, the tear glands’ function, the position of the eyelids and the cornea’s surface. If there is no disease behind the symptoms, temporarily closing the tear punctum can make sense. This prevents the tear fluid from draining from the eye. Ask your ophthalmologist for advice on this.


Background: Function of the tear fluid

Several glands are responsible for the production of tear fluid. These are located in the eye socket, in the conjunctiva, on the edges of the eyelids and under the upper eyelid. By blinking – the eyelid typically opens and closes between 10 and 15 times in a minute – the tear film is distributed over the eye’s surface.

The tear fluid is gradually transported away through small openings on the lid’s upper and lower inner edges.

Tear fluid has several vital functions:

  • Supply of the eye (especially the cornea)
  • Washing out dirt and foreign bodies
  • Defence against pathogens and germs

Against this background, it is easy to understand that too little tear fluid and dry eyes can lead to symptoms.



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