Good night: 7 tips for healthy sleep
Seven tips for a good night’s sleep – how to promote healthy sleeping habits!
1. Avoid cell phones and tablets right before bed
The blue light from electrical devices such as tablets, cell phones or e-book readers has a negative effect on our sleep patterns. The body perceives the blue light as a warning signal and is therefore in an alarm state. This inhibits the production of the sleep hormone melatonin . Tip: Use the warm light of the bedside lamp, especially in the evenings, and read a normal book.
2. Avoid caffeine
Coffee , green tea or mate tea and energy drinks have a negative effect on our sleep patterns. Caffeine stimulates the circulation and should therefore be reduced, especially in the evening. CBD tea, hop tea or chamomile tea are suitable for good sleep.
3. Take a warm bath or shower
A warm bath or shower encourages a good night’s sleep. The water should be between 35 and 38 degrees warm. Ten to 20 minutes in a warm place is enough to promote restful sleep. Essential oils or lavender in the water also make you tired.
4. Train sleep rhythm
A regular sleeping rhythm promotes healthy sleeping habits. If you go to bed at the same time as often as possible and get up regularly in the morning, you will sleep better. Tip: A sleep diary records sleeping habits and problems and helps you to find a better rhythm.
5. Sport and physical activity
Sport or physical activity promote well-being, prevent headaches and help to reduce stress. After a day out in the fresh air, your mind and body are usually tired. Exercising before going to bed can have the opposite effect and wake you up. Tip: You should therefore avoid exercising in the late evening hours.
6. Meditation and relaxation
In addition to exercise, relaxation techniques and meditation also help to reduce stress. Everyone has different preferences in this regard. Yoga, autogenic training or meditation, for example, help to relax in order to calm down.
7. Home remedies for healthy sleep
These home remedies say “good night”: A glass of warm milk  with honey  provides a relaxed warm feeling before falling asleep . Valerian or lavender tea also promote good sleep and reduce sleep disorders. You should also avoid looking at your smartphone before bed or checking the clock at night – this puts pressure on you.
The correct sleeping position can also prevent pain, such as neck pain  or abdominal pain, and support healthy sleep. Everything you need to know about the right sleeping position can be found here: