Healthy mattress: tips for a good night’s sleep

Choosing the right mattress is crucial for a healthy, restful sleep. Because insomnia and  sleep disorders , but also  back pain  and tension can be the result of an unsuitable mattress. Mattresses are ideal if they can adapt to the body and its shape. But how do you find the right mattress, which degree of firmness is the healthiest and what should you consider when making your selection? Which mattress is good for back pain and which for side sleepers? You can find out more about this here.

Wrong mattress: what are the consequences?

Sleep is important, even life-sustaining. Because while you sleep, your body can recover from the stresses and strains of everyday life and recharge your batteries.

Possible consequences of a wrong mattress are physical pain, such as neck or back pain. Problems with the intervertebral discs (e.g. a  herniated disc ), muscle tension, allergic reactions or painful pressure points can also result from sleeping on an unhealthy mattress.

A poor lying position can also lead to insomnia. Sleep disorders can have a variety of consequences. Among other things, cognitive impairments due to increased  tiredness  during the day (e.g. poor concentration and performance) and psychological problems (e.g. mood swings or  depression ) are associated with it.

In addition, there could be an increased risk of:

Choosing the right mattress is not only crucial for sleeping comfort, but also for health.

Criteria for a healthy mattress

If you want to buy a new mattress, you should plan your time. Because a hasty decision is not recommended, especially when it comes to mattresses. After all, the sleeping pads are used for about eight years. For this relatively long period of time, the mattress should be a perfect fit for the body in order to prevent health problems.

In order to select a suitable model, it can also be helpful to read relevant test reports in addition to advice and trying it out in a specialist shop.

When buying a mattress, you should know your individual sleeping needs. Different criteria and lying characteristics can be decisive for the highest degree of lying comfort.

quality and size

In terms of  quality  , the focus is primarily on high-quality materials, otherwise the mattresses will quickly sag. Therefore, be suspicious if an offer seems too cheap.

When it comes  to size  , the rule of thumb is: the mattress should always be 20 centimeters longer than the person lying on it. For a person who is 1.90 meters tall, a standard mattress of 200 centimeters is too short.

A minimum width of 180 centimeters is recommended for couples, unless separate mattresses are purchased. For individuals, a width of 100 centimeters is advisable. The height should be at least 20 centimeters so that hips and shoulders can sink deep enough – if you are overweight, a higher mattress is recommended.

There are special children’s mattresses for children. If the head and feet have less than 10 centimeters of space to the edge of the mattress, a larger mattress should be purchased.

Body zone support and elasticity

Depending on your stature, you sink in, for example, the pelvic area (if you have wide hips) or the stomach area (if you have a compact stature). When choosing the right mattress, the body zone support and elasticity are therefore crucial:

  • A body zone support  included in the mattress  can ensure that the body lies optimally during sleep and is relieved. Experts recommend mattresses that have three such lying zones of different hardness. Side sleepers are often well advised to have several lying areas.
  • Due to the  bending elasticity  , the mattress can adapt to the different curves of the body, so that it  is ergonomically  bedded and no back pain is triggered.
  • Point elasticity  means (in contrast to area elasticity) that the mattress only yields at loaded points, which is not only an advantage when lying on your side.

Degree of hardness: hard and soft mattresses

Mattresses have different degrees of firmness. The degrees of hardness range from H1 to H4 (sometimes also H5), i.e. from extremely soft to extremely hard. However, it should be noted here that a degree of hardness can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, since the classifications do not correspond to any mandatory standard.

The degree of hardness to be selected depends on your own preferences, but also on the weight and size of the person.  Two individual mattresses in a double bed are therefore often more suitable than one together, especially for couples with different  weights or sizes . In order to find the right degree of firmness for the mattress, it is important to know your own requirements as well as your own physical problems (back pain, herniated disc and so on).

Small and light people should rather take softer degrees of hardness, taller and heavier people need a hard mattress. A soft mattress inhibits mobility during sleep. However, a flexible surface (even with a hard core) can be particularly advisable for people with little  body fat  , as it nestles better around the body. Mattresses that are too hard, on the other hand, are unsuitable for the side sleeper position.

Also, keep in mind that mattresses get softer with age.

Material: mattress types

Mattresses can be made from different materials. Which type of mattress is suitable depends, among other things, on the sleeping position. Someone who sleeps on their side has different requirements from a mattress than someone who sleeps on their back or stomach. In any case, the spine should be straight in the usual sleeping position – it should neither sag nor curve. The mattress should ensure that the spine is supported over a large area or precisely.

We present the following three types of mattresses as examples:

  • innerspring mattress
  • latex mat
  • cold foam mattress

There are also other types of mattresses, such as memory foam mattresses. The material reacts to pressure and body heat and adapts to the body every night with a kind of “shape memory”. This can offer orthopedic advantages, but there is a delay in adapting to changes in lying position.

innerspring mattresses

Spring core is an absolute classic among mattresses. Spring core mattresses (usually pocket spring core mattresses) consist of a large number of steel springs that are connected to one another. With pocket spring mattresses, the springs are enclosed in pockets, with Bonnell spring mattresses they vibrate more freely, which means they are more area-elastic. Barrel pocket spring mattresses differ from pocket spring mattresses in the barrel shape of their springs. In general, the more springs, the harder the mattress.

The material is characterized by the following properties:

  • cheap
  • robust
  • dimensionally stable due to high point elasticity
  • ideal for heavy  sweating
  • Unsuitable for people who freeze quickly at night due to low heat storage
  • suitable for higher body weight
  • It is possible for lying pits to form, making it unsuitable for people with back problems
  • high dead weight
  • only conditionally suitable for adjustable slatted frames

Such mattresses are particularly suitable for stomach or back sleepers and usually cause you to lie a little more firmly without sinking in. Since heavy parts of the body sink into the mattress more easily, innerspring models are unsuitable for people who sleep on their side.

Latex mattresses

As a rule, latex mattresses consist of a mix of materials made up of natural rubber and synthetic rubber. These materials are whipped into foam and then vulcanized. Cheaper models only have a latex layer and a foam core.

The following properties are typical of latex mattresses:

  • extremely point-elastic
  • Ergonomic, often recommended by orthopaedists for good positioning of the spine
  • good regulation of moisture and heat
  • often quite durable
  • good   for allergies
  • quite heavy in its own weight, therefore difficult to turn
  • usually rather expensive to purchase
  • no depressions, therefore also suitable for heavy people

Latex mattresses are popular with side sleepers who prefer to lie softly and want to be snuggled up by the mattress. The mattresses can help with tension or if your arms or legs often fall asleep at night.

cold foam mattresses

Cold foam mattresses are made from cold foamed polyurethane foam and are comparatively light. The higher the density of this mattress, i.e. the density of the foam, the more robust it is. At least 40 to 50 kilograms per cubic meter are recommended.

The following properties are typical for the type of mattress:

  • perfect for anyone who freezes easily
  • durable
  • usually more suitable for low to medium body weight
  • good point elasticity, therefore highly recommended for people with back pain
  • however, the plastics contained may possibly trigger allergies
  • heat and moisture can cause pits to form
  • rather unsuitable for people who sweat a lot

Mattresses made of cold foam are also suitable if you frequently change sleeping positions and are also ideal for lying on your side. The sleeping person lies on such mattresses medium soft to medium firm.

Test the mattress in advance

Anyone who has decided on a material should pay attention to the different quality levels within the material selection when buying in order to really purchase a suitable mattress.

If you are looking for a new mattress, you should lie down for at least five minutes and test different sleeping positions. Also make sure you have the right to exchange the mattress if necessary. Ideally, you test the mattress in combination with your own pillow, because this can also change the comfort and lying feeling.

Tip: In the case of back pain and other orthopedic complaints, it may be advisable to buy an orthopedic mattress. Let us advise you on this.

When should you buy a new mattress?

The mattress should be  changed after eight to ten years at the latest  . This makes sense both for hygienic reasons and from an orthopedic point of view.

Incidentally, it is recommended to  turn the mattress regularly (ideally once a quarter),  i.e. to swap the top and bottom sides, in order to achieve even use and ventilation of the mattress. At the same time, it is advisable to turn the mattress, i.e. to swap the head and foot end. Turning it over avoids the formation of pits, which means that the material is fatigued or worn out. However, this only applies if the mattress is basically suitable for turning and turning – this is not advisable in the case of asymmetrical lying zones, summer and winter sides or certain materials (e.g. viscose foam).

mites in the mattress

A large proportion of all  house dust mites found in the home can be found in the bedroom. Since mites are dependent on a humid and warm climate, they romp around in duvets, pillows and mattresses in particular. There they feed on our dander and sweat.

People with an allergy to house dust mite excrement should therefore pay attention to a mattress that is suitable for them. Mattresses with a good micro-climate are ideal for allergy sufferers. In addition, the mattress should have an easily removable and washable cover. Special mattress covers (encasings) can help keep the mites in check.

From a hygienic point of view, it is also advisable to turn the mattress over regularly. Turning the mattress allows dust mites to get to the underside of the mattress, which is less damp or warm but better ventilated. There they lack the basis of life and they can no longer reproduce as well or even die. Do not cover the mattress during the day, but rather let it air out. This also prevents mold from forming in the mattress.

pollutants in the mattress

It is also important to pay attention to the harmful substances contained in the mattress. Because these can possibly trigger further allergies. This factor can also be a key factor when buying a mattress for people without house dust allergies.

Incidentally, an unpleasant smell when buying does not necessarily indicate harmful substances – it can also be residues from the manufacturing process. After a few days  of airing  , the smell should be gone. Otherwise you should think about a complaint after four weeks.

The right slatted frame

Note that the mattress must match your slatted frame: not every type of mattress can be combined with every slatted frame. In addition, the slatted frame should – if possible – be individually adjusted to your needs, especially in the area of ​​the shoulders and pelvis. The slatted frame is also important so that the mattress is well ventilated from below – under no circumstances should it lie directly on the floor, otherwise there is a risk of mold.

In the case of previous illnesses, an adjustable bed system can be advisable – for example, a slightly raised foot section can relieve the circulation.

Box spring bed and water bed

So-called box spring beds consist of several types of mattresses stacked on top of each other and do not require a slatted frame. Innerspring and foam mattresses are used. Because of their height, they are particularly popular with older people, and they are also suitable for people who turn around a lot in their sleep.

However, experts sometimes doubt the suitability of the expensive beds. Because these cannot be adjusted individually, the transport of moisture is often restricted and, in addition, a hollow area often forms over time – if you have back problems, they are often too soft. It is best to get detailed advice on this and, if possible, speak to someone who has already had experience with this type of bed.

Just like box spring beds, water beds are also quite expensive to buy. They are also very heavy and, unlike a slatted frame, cannot be easily adapted to changing needs. The beds are considered to be very back-friendly, but if there is too much air in them, for example, they can also cause back pain.

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