How much hair loss is normal?

Normally they are used for decoration and a full head of hair is a sign of vitality and health. On average, every human being has around 100,000 hairs. These “live” for about 4-6 years and grow one centimeter per month – but also more in spring. But this does not happen continuously, because every hair has its time. Which means it has growth (anagen phase), transition (catagen) and resting (telogen) phases. When the resting phase is complete, the hair eventually falls out.

Hair loss: normal or not?

First of all, it can be assumed that a  hair loss  of up to 100 hairs is normal. Since the spontaneous impression can be deceptive, especially with long hair, you should definitely make the effort to count it. Pathological hair loss should also be differentiated from hereditary, androgenetic alopecia. This is the typical hair loss in men, which can begin at a young age, but increases more and more from middle age.

When to see a doctor for hair loss?

In addition, hair loss can also occur suddenly – almost overnight – and in a circular form. Technically, this phenomenon is called alopecia areata and mainly affects children and young people. The cause is  inflammation of the hair follicle, which is probably triggered by a reaction of the immune system to one’s own body. In addition to a number of other disease-related causes, there is also occupational alopecia, which can be caused by constant pressure (headgear) or tension (e.g. ponytail). If all natural causes can be ruled out, you should go to a dermatologist for an examination. Various examination methods are available, eg the trichogram, with which the status of the hair root is determined. For this purpose, a tuft of about 50 hairs is plucked out and examined under a microscope. Microscopic examination of skin samples or blood tests can also be performed.


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