How reliable are rapid tests at Omikron?
According to initial studies by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), antigen tests react less reliably in the case of a corona infection with omicron. The German Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) points out that some tests work better than others.
That is why most rapid tests also react at Omikron
According to the US Food and Drug Administration, rapid antigen tests are less sensitive to omicron infection. The sensitivity (sensitivity) indicates the probability that a test will also be positive in the case of an existing infection.
The German Paul Ehrlich Institute, on the other hand, gives the all-clear: Of the 250 self-tests or rapid tests approved in Germany, the majority reliably detect a corona infection with Omikron. Older tests purchased before the virus variant originated can also be used.
The reason for this is the technology of the rapid antigen tests. While the mutations of the omicron variant are largely located in the spike protein of the virus, rapid tests react particularly to the nucleoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 .
Around 80 percent of the antigen tests approved in Germany also work with the new virus variant. However, it should be noted that the evaluation has so far been based on laboratory data, a study with volunteers is to follow.
Here you can find out how the PEI evaluates the antigen tests .
Rapid antigen test: The viral load decides
The PEI emphasizes that antigen tests (rapid tests and self-tests) cannot completely rule out or confirm a corona infection.
The tests usually identify people who carry a high viral load in their bodies. A high viral load usually develops at the beginning of the infection even without symptoms. Since the viral load can rise quickly, it is advisable to carry out the tests regularly.
After contact with infected people, a warning from the Corona-Warn-App or if you have symptoms, it is also advisable to carry out the PCR test as the gold standard to rule out an infection with SARS-CoV-2.