In a nutshell: an overview of the new corona measures
Germany remains in lockdown. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced further measures to protect against the corona virus this morning. The most important decisions can be found here.
The corona measures after the meeting of the federal and state governments at a glance.
1. Measures and lockdown extended until April 18th
The following contact restrictions apply:
- Over Easter, a meeting with another household is allowed.
- The limit of a maximum of five people may not be exceeded.
- Children up to 14 years are not counted.
- Couples count as one household.
2. “Emergency brake” at an incidence over 100
The following measures can be introduced if the incidence is over 100:
- Rules can be tightened, for example: FFP2 masks when carpooling in the car.
- Further contact restrictions are possible.
3. More corona tests in schools and daycare centers
The following measures apply in schools and daycare centers:
- Staff and students are to be tested for COVID-19 twice a week  .
4. Compulsory testing when entering Germany
When entering Germany, the following applies:
- A corona test  before entering Germany from abroad is required.
In addition, Chancellor Merkel stated that the mutations and increasing incidence numbers are a cause for concern. As a result, younger people also become ill more severely and for longer, putting a strain on the intensive care units. Vaccinations are to be continued and are already showing initial success, especially among the older generations.