Ingredients in cosmetics – what the skin reacts to

In most bathrooms, cosmetics can be found in a variety of different products. Whether for the face, hands, hair or body, these products have one thing in common: They are used for care and for personal beauty. But some ingredients can also  trigger allergies instead of well-being  . The skin is then not gently cared for, but suffers and becomes   noticeable through rashes, swelling, spots or itching .

Skin problems from cosmetics?

Certain ingredients in cosmetic products are held responsible for causing allergies and  inflammation  of the skin. But one thing in advance: Many different factors play a role in an allergy. It not only depends on the ingredient itself, but also on the concentration in which it is present in the cosmetic.

The reaction to the ingredient can also vary greatly from person to person. The strength of a skin irritation depends, among other things, on the condition of your own skin. Is the skin rather thick or thin, generally rather sensitive or robust?

In any case, care should be taken when using cosmetics on children, because children’s skin is much more permeable and often reacts far more sensitively than adult skin.

Preservatives and fragrances are often the culprits

The most common allergy triggers in cosmetics include preservatives and fragrances. But here, too, what is decisive is what these ingredients consist of. Cosmetic products that are manufactured in large numbers are usually enriched with animal fats, synthetic fragrances and many chemical additives such as  emulsifiers  and stabilizers. High-quality cosmetics also consist of fats, oils and fragrances, although the raw materials are plant-based.

But natural cosmetics can also trigger allergies. Because people who are prone to allergies can also react to the individual plant extracts. Especially those who already suffer from  hay fever  or  food allergies  have a greater risk of reacting sensitively to plant extracts that come into direct contact with the skin.

Tests bring clarity

Anyone who knows that they are sensitive can see a possible reaction of the body with a small test on the crook of the arm. The cosmetic is simply applied to the skin in the crook of the arm. The skin here is extremely thin and sensitive. If the tested cosmetic product is tolerated on the skin in the crook of the arm, it can usually also be used on the whole body.

Of course, an exact and binding result can only be obtained by means of an allergy test by a dermatologist. But initially it is not that easy to assign a skin reaction to a specific product.

After all, women in particular use many different cosmetics throughout the day. Especially since the skin does not necessarily have an allergic reaction directly to an allergen. It is often hours after use before the first reaction occurs.

Even cosmetic products that have been well tolerated for several years can suddenly stress the skin and trigger allergies and inflammatory reactions. On the other hand, if you already know exactly what you are reacting to, it is best to avoid the ingredient in the future.

Transparency for the cosmetics user

Um den Verbraucher zu schützen, ist es EU-weit vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschrieben, dass alle Inhalts- und Zusatzstoffe in Kosmetika direkt auf dem Produkt angegeben werden. Die verwendeten Inhaltstoffe müssen in abnehmender Reihenfolge ihres Anteils gelistet werden. Inhaltsstoffe, die ganz oben in der INCI-Liste stehen, sind dementsprechend am höchsten dosiert.

INCI bedeutet International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient. Dies wird allerdings oft von Verbraucherschützern und den Kosmetikanwendern selbst kritisiert, da die Inhaltsstoffe mit der lateinischen Bezeichnung aufgelistet werden und dadurch auf den ersten Blick meist gar nicht zu durchschauen sind.

Empfehlung für empfindliche Haut

Therefore, cosmetics that contain neither fragrances nor preservatives are always recommended for sensitive skin. Please don’t be fooled by the statement “unscented”. This does not mean that the cosmetics do not contain any perfume or fragrances, but simply states that the product does not have a strong odor of its own.

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