Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

The number of studies documenting even moderate weight loss as a health benefit is unmanageable. Already, a reduction in weight by five to ten per cent and the resulting reduction in abdominal circumference can melt the inner abdominal fat by around 30 per cent. That pleases the heart: Even its greatest adversary – high blood pressure and unfavourable blood fat levels – are positively influenced. The flow properties of the blood improve, and the risk of atherosclerosis and, thus, a heart attack decreases.

Long-term weight loss is essential.

There are many ways to start losing weight. Long-term motivation and the willingness to permanently adapt one’s way of life based on scientific findings, are necessary. The higher the starting weight or waist circumference, the more precise the goal should be. However, it must be realistic and achievable. A long-term weight loss of five to ten per cent is a success!

In general, however, because of the importance of cardiovascular diseases, belly away is best. The principle is as follows:

  • Eat consciously and enjoy.
  • Increased regular physical activity.
  • Change behaviour permanently.


Eating healthy – 7 tips.

The secret to eating is variety. If you want to eat a balanced diet, you should also get an overview of how many calories, how much cholesterol, what percentage of fat and what other ingredients are in your food.

With a Mediterranean, wholesome food mix, there are no do’s or don’ts, only recommendations. The full-fledged Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by plant-based and high-quality food:

  • Vegetables (fresh or frozen), fresh salad and fresh fruit make up a large proportion of what is served daily.
  • Milk, yoghurt, and cheese (low-fat) are also served daily, fish and poultry several times a week, and red meat (low-fat if possible) are served only rarely.
  • Suitable primary fat sources are fish oils (omega-3 fatty acids) and vegetable oils (olive rapeseed oil ) because they have a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. It is considered ideal if almost half of the dietary fat consists of monounsaturated fatty acids, a quarter of polyunsaturated fatty acids and, at most, a quarter of saturated fatty acids. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 200 mg/day.
  • “High-quality” carbohydrates are consumed as whole grain products (e.g. bread, rice, pasta), legumes and potatoes.
  • Alcohol is also allowed, but in moderation if there is no liver damage or a high triglyceride level.
  • The following applies to all other drinks: At least two litres of sugar-free, low-calorie liquid daily must be available.
  • It is best to avoid snacks with added sugar and salt, such as chips and peanuts.

A meal plan like this is the best example of how nutrition and enjoyment can go hand in hand with great health benefits. The roughage and complex carbohydrates, antioxidants and phytochemicals strongly protect the heart, circulation and metabolism.

Fat loss through exercise

To break down one kilogram of fat tissue, you have to save around 7,000 kilocalories. The effort is considerable for beginners. At least 2,500 additional kilocalories must be consumed weekly to reduce weight. That means at least five hours of extra exercise. Maintaining weight after weight loss requires around 1,500 calories or just under three hours of weekly physical activity.

What is decisive, however, is that persistent exercise almost exclusively reduces body fat  – and the inner abdominal fat. All types of endurance exercise are suitable for losing weight, as they boost metabolism and sustainably accelerate bodily functions.

Fat burning starts after about 15 minutes and continues after the workout (afterburn effect). It gets going after about 45 minutes. You can lose weight effectively with a good hour of gymnastics, walking, swimming, running, hiking, dancing, cycling or golfing – of course, with breaks for relaxation.


Building muscle through physical exercise

Anyone who supplements endurance training with moderate full-body muscle training once or twice a week prevents age-related loss of muscle mass and thus maintains the strength and coordination of the skeletal muscles. It also causes an even more lasting afterburn since enlarged muscles increase calorie consumption. Finally, A heart trained for endurance gets more oxygen and beats less but is more muscular.

Such a mobilization has a holistic effect on the stomach, mind and soul. However, nobody should expect too much at the beginning. Consistent perseverance only pays off after a few months. The basis for this is a new active attitude coupled with insight and personal responsibility.

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