Kneipp therapy – not old hat at all

In general, “Kneipp” means cold showers and treading water. The actual Kneipp concept is a holistic therapy that seeks to harmonize body, mind and psyche and primarily focuses on prevention.  The Catholic priest Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897) founded the therapy concept named after him after he cured his severe  tuberculosis , which was still considered incurable at the time, by taking ice-cold baths in the Danube. Sebastian Kneipp had to fight for a long time – he was always controversial, especially among doctors – before his method was recognized.

Positive effects on health

The rules of Pastor Kneipp, his way of life and healing are as relevant today as they were then and are very well suited for the prevention and healing of various civilization diseases. They are ideal for  prevention and maintenance of health  because they:

  • strengthen the  immune  system
  • increase physical  fitness  and
  • develop increased resistance to psychological and physical stress.

For example, water applications and exercise stimuli prevent a strong release of stress hormones.

Holistic Kneipp therapy

A quote from Sebastian Kneipp shows his approach: “The means that the natural healing process requires are based on light, air, water, diet, rest and movement in their various forms of application; things that, if they are normally available, keep the healthy organism healthy can be preserved and restored to health when he is ill.”

The holistic Kneipp therapy  consequently comprises  five elements:

  1. Order therapy – prevention and healing through the right life management
  2. Nutritional Therapy – Prevention and Cure through Eating Right
  3. Exercise therapy – prevention and healing through physical activity
  4. Hydrotherapy  – Prevention and healing with water
  5. Phytotherapy – prevention and healing with plants

regulatory therapy

The regulatory therapy can also be described as the core of Kneipp’s holistic therapy – it aims to achieve a  healthy attitude towards life  . Body, mind and soul should be brought into harmony in order to create the conditions for a healthy life.

This includes the development of healthy structures for the external and internal order of life as well as the orientation of life towards meaningful goals. Influences that cause illness must be recognized and, if possible, eliminated so that people become physically and mentally more resilient.

nutritional therapy

The therapy concept recommends a varied, balanced diet. The motto:   moderate  protein , plenty of carbohydrates  and little fat.  Constituents should therefore primarily be plant-based foods, fresh foods, native vegetable oils, dairy products and fish.

Denatured foods, such as white flour and white sugar, as well as  coffee  and alcohol, are allowed in moderation.

exercise therapy

Regular activity without exaggerated performance demands and the targeted  interplay of tension and relief  are the basis of this therapy. The type and duration of physical activity are determined individually, since Kneipp therapy knows no rules or prohibitions, only suggestions.

Movement therapy includes a wide variety of sports: from gymnastics to yoga, from swimming to Nordic walking – everything that is beneficial to health. With regular training, it is possible to promote muscle growth, bones, cardiovascular system, mobility and coordination.

Water and bath therapy

Hydrotherapy is based on the healing power of water, as water exerts a temperature stimulus on the body, which in turn stimulates the immune system. This form of application includes affusions, baths, washes, wraps and packs.

Example affusions:  They are easy to use, but have a lasting effect on the organism. The applications are carried out with a hose and almost pressureless water jet according to the  cold-warm principle: 

  • After a warm  shower  , the arms and legs are poured with cold water from the bottom up, then the torso from the outside towards the heart.
  • The same procedure is then carried out with warm water.
  • The whole thing can be repeated several times in a row. But the end is always a cold pour.
  • Then just wipe off the water with your hands to use the evaporation and cooling effect.

Regular repetitions of these applications cause a training effect that strengthens the immune system and thus leads to hardening.

plant therapy

Medicinal  herbs  have been used for therapy since ancient times; nowadays – with modern scientific methods – the effectiveness and effect of herbs has been proven. They are used both for the prevention and for the treatment of diseases and are usually without strong side effects. They are used in the form of  teas , infusions, juices, bath additives or ointments.

Conclusion: Kneipp therapy is still relevant

“If you don’t spend some time every day on your health, one day you will have to sacrifice a lot of time for your illness.” (Sebastian Kneipp)

Against the background of an increasingly complex and therefore more demanding world, Kneipp is as relevant as ever. The different therapies can all be used individually, but if all five elements of Kneipp’s theory are lived, the full efficiency of this teaching can unfold.

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