M.O.B.I.L.I.S. – a successful sports medicine training program for 5 years

MOBILIS gives to many people who are  overweight and require treatment new hope in the fight against unnecessary and dangerous pounds. The program was developed by the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg and the German Sport University in Cologne. In 2004, the first model groups ran in Ratingen and Freiburg with great success: the participants lost an average of almost 9 kilograms of body weight in the first six months. Around 70% achieved a weight reduction of more than 5% of their initial weight, as reported by Prof. Aloys Berg, head of the sports medicine focus on prevention and rehabilitation at the University Hospital in Freiburg. With this result, MOBILIS meets the recommendations of the German Obesity Society for intervention programs with overweight adults.

… and play sports

With MOBILIS, the participants learn over the course of a year how to permanently change their way of life. dr Dieter Lagerstrøm, sports scientist at the German Sport University Cologne and co-initiator of the project, emphasizes: “MOBILIS sees itself as a program for self-help. With MOBILIS, the participants build up their individual exercise program and learn to independently integrate it into their personal health concept and later into their everyday life We therefore attach great importance to the transferability of the learned forms of movement to everyday life, work and leisure.” In addition to sports teachers and sports scientists, the participants are supported by psychologists and educators, nutritionists and doctors – a specially trained interdisciplinary team.

Participate – but how?

Prerequisites for participation are being over 18 years of age, severely overweight (a  body mass index  between 30 and 40), at least one concomitant risk factor (e.g.   type II  diabetes , dyslipidemia, high blood pressure , psychological problems, orthopedic complaints) and a medical certificate need certificate. The total costs are 685 euros, of which BARMER and other health insurance companies reimburse 585 euros to their insured persons if they participate regularly.

MOBILIS – qualified patient education program


is a key public health challenge. Nevertheless, there is a lack of qualified patient training programs in the Federal Republic. MOBILIS closes this gap and is a prime example of how innovative care concepts can be anchored in our healthcare system if science, healthcare policy and health insurance companies pull together. With the tailwind of the overall positive findings, the first training courses for other teams took place in Freiburg at the end of 2004 and in 2005 the training of further multipliers in Cologne. Subsequently, MOBILIS groups started in about 30 German regions according to a standardized concept. Do you have interest? The MOBILIS contacts will be happy to let you know where a group is in your area and when there will be places available again.

Winner of the prevention programs

MOBILIS was tested for quality as a sports medicine training program on behalf of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzGA) and was awarded the title “exemplary” from a total of 59 prevention programs offered in Germany.


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