Melatonin: 12 foods for good sleep

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is therefore also known as the sleep hormone. It is produced more in the body in the dark and unfolds its effect, which makes us tired and sleepy. During the night, melatonin supports the regeneration of body cells.

Both melatonin itself and the protein building block tryptophan,  vitamin B6  and the minerals magnesium and  zinc , all of which are involved in the synthesis of melatonin, are considered to promote sleep. For people with problems falling asleep, it is therefore recommended to eat foods in the evening that are naturally rich in these substances and can therefore be used as a sleep aid.

Milk provides melatonin

Milk contains the sleep-promoting substances  melatonin  and tryptophan. A cup of warm milk in the evening can help you calm down and fall asleep better.

Bananas for better sleep

Bananas are high in magnesium, a mineral that plays a role in melatonin synthesis. In addition, magnesium, together with  potassium ,  contributes to the natural relaxation of the muscles.

Eggs make it easier to fall asleep

Eggs are rich in tryptophan. From this  amino acid  , the so-called happiness hormone serotonin is first produced in the body, which can then be converted into melatonin. Eggs thus provide a basis for melatonin production and can make it easier to fall asleep.

Tart cherries as a sleep aid

Compared to other types of fruit, cherries contain a good portion of melatonin and additional  magnesium . In the cherry season, the fresh fruits are therefore a sleep-inducing “bedtime treat”. The Montmorency cherry is said to have a particularly high concentration of melatonin.

Pistachios as a melatonin supplier

Nibbling on a few pistachios before going to bed is not only delicious, but can also calm the body and   help you fall asleep . Compared to other fruits, pistachios contain an exceptionally large amount of melatonin.

Cranberries – the sleep aid

Cranberries are also   recommended as a sleep aid. Especially the dried fruits contain a lot of melatonin.

olives and olive oil

Melatonin is also found in olives and olive oil. Therefore, an olive snack in the evening can make you tired and serve as a  sleep aid  .

Avocado helps you relax

Magnesium is   abundant in avocados . The mineral is needed for the synthesis of melatonin and helps the muscles to relax.

Oatmeal promotes sleep

Oatmeal provides plenty  of vitamin D  for melatonin production and naturally promotes sleep.

Almonds and Walnuts

Tryptophan, Magnesium und B-Vitamine: Diese Inhaltsstoffe in Nüssen und Mandeln fördern den Schlaf und sind ein idealer Begleiter in den Abendstunden. Bei Gewichtsproblemen sollte jedoch der Kaloriengehalt der gesunden Kerne beachtet werden.

Datteln für besseren Schlaf

Datteln enthalten B-Vitamine und Tryptophan. Beides benötigt der Körper für die Bildung von Melatonin. Daher gelten Datteln als süßes und leichtes Schlafmittel, das in arabischen Ländern gerne bei leichten Einschlafproblemen angewendet wird.

Tee hilft, zur Ruhe zu kommen

A caffeine-free herbal tea made from valerian or lavender in particular heralds the relaxed evening and allows body and soul to rest. Even if these  teas  do not contain any melatonin, they can help you fall asleep as an evening ritual.


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