Metabolic cure: instructions and diet plan

The  metabolic cure  is a diet that is intended to make it possible to lose up to 12 kilos within 21 days. The plan sounds simple: only 500 kilocalories a day are allowed during the diet phase. In addition, the pregnancy hormone  HCG is taken  in the form of  globules  or drops to stimulate and activate the fat metabolism. In addition, there are the so-called  vital substances , i.e. food supplements, to provide the body with everything it needs. It should also be possible to lose weight without exercising. We present the phases of the diet and give brief instructions on how to lose weight with the 21-day metabolism cure.

Diet plan for the 21-day metabolism cure

The HCG metabolism cure does not follow a uniform plan: Different books and providers have developed numerous different diet plans.

A common criterion is the division into several phases. The metabolic cure usually begins with two days of high-calorie nutrition. Then comes the 21-day diet phase without fats, sugar and alcohol, followed by a stabilization phase in which you slowly increase the calories again. Finally, the diet is returned to normal and tested to see if the weight remains stable.

Usually three to five meals a day are recommended as part of the nutrition plan. You should also drink a lot, two to four liters of liquid daily are recommended.

1st phase: loading days (gourmet days)

The metabolism cure starts with two days on which particularly greasy and carbohydrate-rich food is on the nutrition plan. From pizza to cream cake, everything is allowed in this phase. This feast is intended to stimulate the metabolism  so that the combustion process runs at full speed over the next few weeks. In the loading phase , globules and vital substances are taken several times a day   – it is often recommended to take the vital substances ten days in advance. 

 There are different opinions regarding the  dosage of HCG globules to activate the metabolism. We usually recommend 6 to 30 globules or drops to be taken throughout the day. You should let the globules melt under your  tongue  and then do not eat or drink anything for 15 to 30 minutes and do not brush your teeth.

2nd phase: Diet phase (weight loss phase)

In the at least 21-day diet phase of the metabolic cure, only 500 kilocalories per day are permitted. Lists of permitted foods determine the menu of this treatment phase. This includes vegetables and  protein-rich  foods, such as lean meat, fish and tofu – but the amount is crucial. Among other things, the following are prohibited:

  • Zucker
  • Alcohol
  • Milch
  • Carbohydrate foods like  bread  or pasta
  • Fats such as butter and oil, but also fatty skin creams
  • Certain fruits and vegetables (for example,  avocadoscarrotspotatoes  , and pineapples)

If you do sin and eat a forbidden food, it is recommended to extend the diet phase by three days.

The goal of this phase is significant weight loss. The HCG globules are intended to open up the fat deposits and supply the body with energy. The vital substances serve to prevent deficiency symptoms caused by insufficient food intake.

3rd phase: stabilization phase

According to the concept of metabolic therapy, the 21-day stabilization phase starts when the ideal weight has been reached. Now it’s about maintaining that weight. In the first two days you continue to eat the permitted foods from the diet phase. However, the HCG globules are now omitted – the vital substances are still taken.

After that, various foods and high-quality fats can be added to the diet step by step. Because the body should no longer cover its energy requirements from the body’s own fat reserves, but from food. You should still avoid sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates. In this phase, everyone can test for themselves how much they can eat without gaining weight.

4th phase: maintenance phase (test phase)

If the weight has stabilized in the previous phase, the metabolic cure provides for the last phase. In the three to six-month maintenance phase, more and more foods are included in the diet and it is tested whether the weight remains stable.

However, the providers recommend that you continue to eat calorie-conscious and avoid carbohydrates in the evening. This is intended to achieve a long-term change in diet. It is usually also recommended to continue taking the vital substances for at least four weeks.

Apple days for fast weight loss

If you find out in the morning during daily weighing that the weight has not reduced further over four or five days or that you have gained more than one kilogram in one day during the stabilization phase, a so-called apple day is recommended. Such a day lasts from lunch until just before lunch the next day. During this time, only green apples are eaten – about a kilogram of sour apples is recommended. In addition, only water, the vital substances and the globules are allowed.

Recipe idea: zucchini cream soup

There are many delicious recipes for the diet phase of the metabolic cure. How about a recipe for a zucchini cream soup, for example?

  • Simply dice one medium zucchini and one small  onion per person .
  • Sauté the onion, then add the zucchini and sauté them.
  • Then deglaze the vegetables with 200 milliliters of vegetable stock and let it simmer for about 20 minutes before removing it from the heat.
  • Then stir in about 25 grams of reduced-fat cream cheese.
  • Puree the soup and season to taste.

Sprinkled with some watercress, the soup is not only ideal for the metabolism cure, but also a great feast for the eyes.


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