Morning grouch: Start the day with momentum

The expression at the breakfast table speaks volumes: a grim face, sleepy eyes, sagging shoulders. The mouth, on the other hand, does not speak at all. Only a few grumbles can be elicited from him, at best a “yes” or “no”. A morning grouch.  Waking up far too early, he starts the day sullenly and needs hours to really get going. According to a survey, every fourth German describes himself as a morning grouch. It is not uncommon for triggers for arguments and accusations such as: “Can’t you have a reasonable conversation?” – because the morning mood is perceived as rudeness.

Biorhythm crucial

Sleep researchers are now helping morning grouches: In fact, the researchers demonstrated in experiments that the  internal clock  of some people is simply an hour behind, and their  biorhythm starts  later.

Both mentally and physically, they start later and are not fully productive in the early hours of the morning – they find it difficult to concentrate in the first few hours of school or they can’t get on with their jobs.

The early morning catches the worm – not for morning grouches

Whether someone starts the day actively early or finds it difficult to get up in the morning is  genetically  determined and depends on  their age  . This was the result of research by the University of Munich and the British University of Surrey, for example. While children get fit early, teenagers struggle to get going. Seniors, on the other hand, tend to start their day very early.

And the daylight also plays a role. In the dark season, the lack of sunlight also makes you  tired . But so-called morning grouches are not completely at the mercy of their inner clock. With a few tips, you can make the most of the morning.

Graduate psychologist Frank Meiners advises first to rule out a possible organic cause. “Sometimes  low blood pressure , a so-called hypotension, is the reason why people struggle to get up,” says Meiners. Dizziness , ringing in the ears and cold hands and feet are symptoms that suggest it.

Help to start the day

If the biorhythm is “to blame” for the initial difficulties, a targeted  exercise  program can help to get the day off to a good start. Above all  , stretching exercises  and movements that stimulate the circulation provide the lack of momentum. A  light breakfast  provides the energy you need for the day.

 Nutrition expert Hanna-Kathrin Kraaibeek recommends that if you don’t “eat” anything in the morning because your stomach is still asleep, you should eat at least one piece of fruit or  yoghurt and take a second, richer breakfast with you to school or work.

But the relatives should also take advice and not take the morning grouchiness personally, but simply leave the muffle alone. “Reproaches do not lead to success and rather make the situation worse,” said Meiners.

Tips for morning grouches

  • Don’t jump out of bed right away. Stretch  your arms and legs first – even while lying down. With an exercise you can get the circulation going in bed: Lie on your back and pull your knees towards your chin as far as possible. Hold briefly and repeat a few times.
  • Light  helps to wake up more easily. It ensures that the brain stops producing the sleep hormone  melatonin  . In autumn and winter, when there is no morning sunlight, a timer on the lamp helps. Music with flowing rhythms is also helpful. Studies have proven the positive effect on the psyche.
  • Catch some oxygen by the window or on the balcony and do a few simple  exercises  like squats and arm circles. A warm  shower  stimulates blood circulation. Light brush massages also promote waking up.
  • Make sure you get a good  night’s sleep  – don’t eat too late, sleep in a well-ventilated room, go to bed early enough – this also contributes to a pleasant morning.
  • Coffee  or other caffeinated beverages make you feel energized. However, be sure to also drink decaffeinated beverages in the morning to replenish your hydration levels after the night.

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