Mulled wine: That’s how dangerous the warm intoxication is

Cold days and the anticipation of Christmas make you want a glass or two of mulled wine. But warm wine and punch are a special challenge for the body. Why mulled wine is a particular danger during the Christmas season.

Be careful when  drinking mulled wine  and punch, the hot drinks make you drunk faster than a cool beer on warm summer nights.

Mulled wine – that’s why it makes you drunk faster

Although mulled wine and punch have a similar alcohol content as beer or wine, they are absorbed more quickly by the body and thus also cause an accelerated state of intoxication. Several factors are responsible for this in mulled wine:

  • Since warm drinks can be absorbed more quickly by the stomach and passed on to the small intestine, the alcohol gets through the intestinal mucosa into the bloodstream more quickly. In addition, the warm drink stimulates  metabolism  and circulation, which can intensify the state of intoxication.
  • In addition to the temperature of the drink, the sugar content of the mulled wine is also a decisive factor. This can also accelerate alcohol absorption and make you drunk faster.
  • Many people reach for mulled wine with a shot. The high alcohol content of the schnapps also gets into the bloodstream faster and makes for a stronger state of intoxication.

Although cold wine can have a similar alcohol content, the drunken state usually sets in later because cold drinks must first be warmed up in the stomach before they can travel to the small intestine.

So if you enjoy mulled wine or punch, you should grab a water in between, drink more slowly and consume smaller amounts overall.

It is also highly recommended to leave your hands off the wheel and the car or to enjoy the warm mulled wine at home in small groups during Corona times.


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