Passive smoking – the consequences of the smoke
In Germany, around 28% of the adult population (aged 15 and over) smoke, equivalent to around 20 million people. That’s about a quarter of the population. The vast majority do not smoke. Yet many are exposed, often involuntarily, to the smoke of others because they smoke passively. When burning a cigarette, around 2 litres of smoke are produced, which the smokers themselves inhale the least. This smoke is not harmless.
The composition of cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke is a chemical cocktail of around 4,000 different substances,  more than 40 of which have carcinogenic or toxic effects. In addition to tar, cigarette smoke contains, among other things:Â
- the poison arsenic
- the heavy metal lead
- the exhaust gas carbon monoxide
- formaldehyde, which is also used in the furniture industry
These substances are not only ingested by smokers. Due to the low combustion temperatures at the edge of a smouldering cigarette – the so-called sidestream smoke – harmful substances are produced in the ambient air to a far greater extent than in the smoke inhaled directly through the cigarette – the mainstream smoke.
With passive smoking, for example, as much of the nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde classified as toxic is inhaled by the smokers themselves. The concentration of the carcinogenic substances benzene and nickel in sidestream smoke is even up to 10 or 30 times higher than in mainstream smoke.
Immediate consequences of the smoke
The immediate consequences of cigarette smoke are often:Â
- odour nuisance
- burning eyes
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- headache
- dizziness
Passive smoking can also lead to an increased susceptibility to infections. In the long term, the development of heart disease  ( coronary heart disease ) and lung cancer cannot be ruled out. According to estimates, at least 400 people die each year in Germany from lung cancer caused by passive smoking. Tobacco smoke in indoor air has, therefore, been classified as carcinogenic since 1998.
Passive smoking harms children for life.
Passive smoking is particularly harmful to the airways of children and infants. The more cigarettes are smoked around them, the more likely they are to develop bronchitis and pneumonia . Your lung function is impaired, and asthmatic symptoms can result.
Every second child in Germany lives in a smoking household. Every fifth child is already at risk from tobacco smoke in the womb.
Children seek and need the closeness of adults so they are defenceless against the harmful substances in tobacco smoke. It is essential that as many places as possible where children frequent become smoke-free. These primarily include public facilities such as kindergartens, schools and sports facilities.
Health consequences for children
The health risks to children from passive smoking range from general well-being disorders such as stomachache and headaches to behavioural problems, learning difficulties and reduced physical performance through to restricted lung function, which can have a negative impact throughout life. The children can get otitis media, respiratory diseases, asthma, lung cancer and heart diseases – meningitis and brain tumours are also suspected to be caused by tobacco smoke.
smoking during pregnancy
The smoking rate among women of childbearing age is exceptionally high – 40% of 20 to 39-year-old women in Germany smoke. The health risk for their children is profound. Every year, 154,000 unborn children are exposed to smoke pollutants in the womb, which they absorb through the bloodstream of their smoking mothers.
The proportion of premature births and miscarriages among smokers is demonstrably higher than among non-smokers. Babies born to smoking mothers are shorter at birth and weigh an average of 200 grams less at birth.
Only a third of smokers quit smoking during pregnancy. After the birth, two-thirds of these start smoking again within the first few months after the birth.
Smoking is the number one killer
Smoking remains a significant health risk and the leading cause of premature mortality. Cigarettes are harmful:
- Even smoking one to ten cigarettes a day increases the risk of lung cancer ten times compared to non-smokers.
- Smokers are also more at risk of hardening of the arteries ( arteriosclerosis ) and of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.
- Tobacco addiction can develop after short-term, irregular smoking, even in childhood and adolescence.
- Half of all lifelong smokers die as a result of tobacco use.
- Every cigarette shortens life by five minutes. On average, a smoker loses about eight years of his life.