Pineapple – healthy, tropical and low in calories

The pineapple plant loves sunshine and high, tropical temperatures. A ripe pineapple tastes correspondingly exotic, sweet and juicy. Apart from the delicious taste, the tropical fruit is also healthy. Pineapple is full of valuable  nutrients  and thus strengthens the  immune system , lowers blood pressure, lifts the mood and regulates digestion. Since the fruit is also said to stimulate fat burning, many health-conscious people rely on the detoxifying effects of a pineapple diet. What is in pineapple and how healthy is it really?

Pineapple: Calories and Nutritional Values

Despite its naturally relatively high sugar content of around 12 percent, pineapples have relatively few calories. There are  about 55 kilocalories (kcal) per 100 grams,  i.e. 230 kilojoules.

The fat content is very low at 0.2 percent. In addition, 100 grams of pineapple contain about 0.5 grams  of protein  (protein) and 12 grams of carbohydrates in the form of sugar. Depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, the water content is over 80 percent.

Why is pineapple so healthy?

A pineapple not only contains the full energy of the sun, but also lots of vitamins and  minerals . 100 grams of the pineapple fruit contain:

  • 19 milligrams  of vitamin C
  • 0.1 milligrams of vitamin E
  • 0.08 milligrams each of vitamin B1 and  vitamin B6
  • 180 milligrams  of potassium
  • 17 milligrams of magnesium
  • 16 milligrams of calcium

In addition, pineapple contains a special enzyme called  bromelain.  This is also used as an active ingredient in medicines, for example for swelling, inflammation and indigestion. However, the level of the enzyme found in the fruit is too low to produce a medicinal effect from eating pineapple alone.

In addition, the enzymes amylase, perodixase and ivertase are found in pineapples. These have a draining effect and are intended to help the body lose weight and boost calorie consumption, which is what the pineapple diet tries to take advantage of.

Lose weight with the pineapple diet?

Due to the detoxifying effect of the enzymes it contains and the low proportion of calories in pineapple, the pineapple diet promises rapid weight loss. However, due to the draining effect of the pineapple, this is largely due to the high proportion of excreted water.

In addition, the diet as part of the pineapple diet is extremely one-sided, since in addition to water and unsweetened  tea  , only the fruit in raw form or as  juice  may be consumed. As a result, the body quickly lacks important minerals, vitamins, fat and protein.

Such a one-sided diet is not suitable for healthy weight loss. Instead, sufficient exercise and a healthy, balanced diet are recommended.

Buying and storing pineapples: what should you know?

The pineapple only ripens slightly, which is why there are major qualitative differences between pineapples flying and fruit imported by ship. The former are harvested when ripe and therefore also have a fruity, fresh, genuine taste. Cheap pineapples are usually harvested early and ripen slightly on the ship, which often makes the taste a bit sour.

In any case, the tropical fruit should smell intensely when you buy it and the flesh should give way slightly when you press it with your finger. The tuft of leaves should be dark green, the fruit bright yellow to orange.

Tip:  If the leaves can be pulled out easily, the pineapple is ready to eat.

Since the fruits are sold ripe, they should be eaten relatively quickly after purchase.  A pineapple should be stored at home for a maximum  of two to three days .

The following applies here: Unpeeled fruit should not be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise it loses its aroma and the skin gets dark spots. Instead, the pineapple should be stored at room temperature or in the basement. She should lie on a soft surface. Alternatively, you can also hang the fruit by the tuft of leaves.

If there is any left over from the peeled tropical fruit, it can be stored in the fridge under cling film for up to two days if necessary.

Consume pineapple – you have to pay attention to that

Conventionally grown pineapples often show residues of pesticides on the skin. Before cutting, the fruit should therefore be washed thoroughly with lukewarm water so that the pesticides do not get onto the flesh through the hands or the knife used and are then consumed.

 Fresh pineapple should also not be eaten with dairy products such as  yoghurt or quark. The pineapple enzyme bromelain breaks down the milk proteins contained in dairy products over time, resulting in peptides and  amino acids  . These, in turn, taste bitter. For example, if you want to prepare a cream cake with pineapple, it is advisable to first pour boiling water over the pieces of fruit – the heat destroys the bromelain. Canned pineapples are also an alternative, as they are also heated for a longer shelf life.

As with other foods,  allergies can also  occur with pineapples. However, these are mostly  cross allergies . The proteins in the pineapple are similar to the actual allergen, in the case of the tropical fruit these are usually Ficus Benjamina or natural latex.

Can you eat pineapple when pregnant?

The enzyme bromelain contained in pineapple is suspected of having an influence on blood clotting. For this reason, the rumor persisted for a long time that eating pineapple during pregnancy could cause premature birth or  miscarriage  . However, this is not the case.

It is true that pregnant women are currently advised not to take medication with bromelain, as there is insufficient scientific data on the use of the active ingredient at this time. However, as already described, the bromelain content in pineapple itself is so low that no effects on health are to be expected. In this respect, the consumption of pineapple in moderation during pregnancy is considered harmless.

Cut pineapple – how it works!

Follow these steps to cut a pineapple:

  1. Cut off the green stalk first.
  2. Then quarter the fruit lengthwise with a long knife.
  3. Cut out the woody middle.
  4. The quarters of the pineapple can now be sliced ​​crosswise and bited off down to the hard shell. Alternatively, you can cut off the peel before eating.

Recipe: healthy pineapple smoothie

This healthy pineapple smoothie is a delicious refreshment on a hot day.

Ingredients for 700 milliliters:

  • 600 grams of ripe pineapple (equivalent to about one pineapple)
  • 1  Banana
  • 1 lime
  • 1 Orange
  • 200 milliliters non-  dairy milk  (preferably coconut milk)

Wash the pineapple, peel the fruit and remove the hard core. Then cut the remaining flesh and the peeled banana into pieces. Squeeze the lime and orange and add the juice to the blender along with the banana and pineapple and the non-dairy milk. Blend all ingredients and serve the pineapple smoothie with ice cubes.

Origin and growth of the pineapple plant

The pineapple (Ananas comosus) belongs to the bromeliad family. The origin of the plant is assumed to be in South America. It is said that Christopher Columbus received a pineapple as a gift from the indigenous population when he arrived in America and then brought the fruit to Europe.

Today it is grown in almost all tropical and subtropical countries, especially in Thailand and the Philippines. There, the fruits grow in a wide variety of local varieties, mostly on large plantations.

The pineapple plant is a type of perennial with long, pointed, sharp leaves that are arranged in a rosette shape. After about a year, a long inflorescence with over 100 flowers grows in the middle. If these are not pollinated, they develop into  berries that eventually grow together into a single large fruit – the pineapple as we know it.

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