Plucking makes the skin elastic: what makes the orange peel skin disappear

Orange peel is noticeable through small dents on the thighs and buttocks. The skin on the stomach is often not quite as tight as a woman would like it to be. No wonder that in Germany more than 14.5 million euros are spent on skin care products that promise firm skin – and the trend is rising. The range of special devices and creams increases from year to year, although the effectiveness is repeatedly doubted in test reports and by dermatologists. A conversation with Dr. Newbie, pharmacist and skin researcher: What is certain in the therapy of  cellulite ?

Dr. Neufang, why do women get cellulite in particular?

dr Fresh start:  Cellulite is a very common beauty problem. At least two out of three women are affected, and girls and very young women are often not spared either. The hormonal change during puberty makes the connective tissue stretchy and together with the frequent weight gain that follows, unsightly dents and bumps develop. Cellulite is an accumulation of metabolic products in the fat cells on the thighs and buttocks and all effective measures must aim to reduce the amount of this metabolic waste.

Every year there are new “miracle cures” that are supposed to help women to tighten, smooth thighs – what really helps?

dr Neufang:  If you understand what causes cellulite, you can derive the most promising measures that do not necessarily have to be expensive. A triad of detoxifying nutrition, a minimum of sporting activities and support of the lymphatic flow through tissue massage helps in most cases.

There are many special devices and creams for anti-cellulite massage. So what makes sense now?

dr Neufang:  Unfortunately, the successes do not appear immediately after the beginning of the  massage  . However, ultrasound examinations have shown that success can be achieved with a daily massage of about 10 minutes. However, it is important that you change your diet at the same time and exercise for at least half an hour a day. After two months, but in any case after half a year, a significant improvement in cellulite can be achieved.

With the massage, it is crucial that the lymphatic return flow is stimulated. This can be achieved with the help of massage devices but also by massage techniques without a device. For an effective massage, it is important that the preparation used has a good lubricating effect and stays on the skin long enough. In this way, the user is practically “forced” to carry out the massage for a sufficiently long time. Our study with a care oil with  vitamin A  and  vitamin E  shows that regular massage with this oil makes the skin firmer by an average of 20 percent. No special massage device was used in the study, instead the oil was   massaged into dry skin by hand.

If not using a massager, how should the oil be massaged in?

dr Neufang:  It is generally assumed that promoting blood circulation is beneficial. However, with the abundance of blood, more  nutrients  enter the cells, which have to be transported away again. A mild plucking massage or “stroking out” the oil with the appropriate pressure is better for stimulating the lymph flow.

It is more effective than an uncontrolled back and forth massage to spread the oil from the knee up to the lower abdomen. The lymphatic vessels are concentrated in the abdomen and the excess water in the tissue can drain away unhindered. The massage is therefore an important part of the triad of anti-cellulite measures.

Which sports are particularly effective for tightening problem areas?

dr New start:  Unspectacular activities such as cycling,  swimming  and small gymnastic exercises, which are built into the daily routine, are much more effective than all trend sports, which are often associated with stronger but short-term stress.

Small exercises that activate the muscle pump are, for example, the good old squats, cycling lying on your back and “see-sawing” with your feet, in which the toes are alternately stretched and bent. This exercise strengthens the calf muscle and activates the muscle pump, which   improves the flow of blood and lymph .

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