What preventive medical check-ups?
The term “health care” misleadingly suggests that preventive medical check-ups can prevent the development of diseases. In fact, however, the examinations can only identify risk factors and diseases in the early stages  .
The benefit lies in the fact that diseases that are detected early are often easier to treat. The health insurance companies therefore only pay for preventive measures for diseases in which early treatment has been proven to have advantages.
What check-ups are there?
There are six check-ups for adult men, the costs of which are covered by statutory health insurance from a certain age. In addition, those with statutory health insurance are entitled to preventive dental care.
In addition, there are some other examinations that have to be paid for by yourself. These so-called IGeL  (individual healthcare services) include examinations for the early detection of:
In addition, the PSA test as a screening for prostate cancer  and the determination of the HbA1c value for the early detection of diabetes  mellitus are included.
Prevention from the age of 35: health check and skin cancer screening
From the age of 35, it is recommended for both sexes to have a general health check-up by the family doctor (check-up 35) and this is paid for by the health insurance companies every three years. Between the ages of 18 and 35, the costs of a slightly reduced check-up are borne once by the health insurance company.
The examination serves to identify risk factors and early stages of diabetes as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. The health check includes a detailed interview and a full body examination as well as a blood and urine test. The blood test creates  a complete lipid profile with total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, the vaccination status is checked.
Since autumn 2021, a one-off screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection has also been part of the check-up 35 in order to be able to identify and treat infections at an early stage.
Many general practitioners also offer an examination of the body surface for skin cancer precursors. This skin cancer screening is also paid for every two years from the age of 35 and can also be carried out by dermatologists.
Colorectal cancer screening included in Check-up 35?
As a rule, an examination for colorectal cancer screening is not included in the check-up 35. However, if there is a medically diagnosed, increased risk of colon cancer, for example due to a chronic inflammatory bowel disease or a family history, appropriate examinations can be carried out before the age of 50. In most cases, the costs are then also covered by the statutory health insurance companies.
However, it has not yet been sufficiently clarified whether earlier implementation of colorectal cancer screening is really advantageous for those affected.
Colorectal cancer screening from the age of 50: How often for a colonoscopy?
As a preventive check-up for men between the ages of 50 and 54, a test for hidden (occult) blood in the stool is offered once a year. Alternatively, from the age of 50, two colonoscopies can be performed ten years apart. From the age of 55, the test for occult blood can be taken every two years.
If the stool test is positive , a colonoscopy should always  be performed. The costs of the examinations are covered by the statutory health insurance companies.
Preventive check-up specifically for men
The check-up 35 and colon cancer screening are also offered to women. From the age of 45, men are also entitled to an annual urological examination for early cancer detection. The sex organs  and the prostate are examined and the lymph nodes  in the groin are palpated. The examination can be carried out by a general practitioner or in a urological practice.
In addition, since January 2018, men over the age of 65 have been able to have a one-time ultrasound examination of the abdominal artery. This screening is used for the early detection of a bulging of the abdominal aorta (abdominal aortic aneurysm), which often remains symptomless for a long time and, in the worst case, can be life-threatening if the vessel wall tears.
Cancer prevention through PSA test?
The determination of the PSA value (PSA = prostate-specific antigen) for the early detection of prostate cancer is discussed critically among experts. Although men with prostate cancer usually have elevated blood values, many other factors such as physical exertion, sexual intercourse or benign prostate enlargement  can lead to an increase in PSA. The test is therefore considered error-prone.
The usefulness of PSA screening is therefore controversial. The PSA determination is only paid for by the statutory health insurance companies if the previous palpation examination of the prostate was abnormal. An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the PSA test  is provided by the Cancer Information Service.
Dental care: what does health insurance cover?
Adult men can have a free dental check-up twice a year. In addition, an annual tartar removal and an early detection of periodontitis every two years are paid for by the health insurance company.
Furthermore, some health insurance companies voluntarily assume the costs for professional tooth cleaning (PZR) or offer subsidies.
Which check-ups make sense?
In principle, all preventive medical check-ups included in the catalog of services provided by health insurance companies make sense for men and should be used regularly for the sake of your own health. On the website of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV)  you will find a list of all preventive medical check-ups to which you are entitled.
IGeL: Weigh the benefits and costs
IGeL preventive measures, on the other hand, are usually not paid for by health insurance companies because their benefit has not been proven or is disproportionate to possible damage and costs.
However, IGeL check-ups can be useful in some cases. The ” IGeL Monitor ” page provides a scientifically based evaluation and explanation for every self-payer service, on the basis of which insured persons can make an informed decision for or against IGeL.
When to the doctor?
If you get symptoms or notice changes in yourself that could indicate an illness, you should not wait for the next check-up appointment, but seek medical advice promptly. Examinations for the justified clarification of a suspected illness are usually paid for by the health insurance company.