Remove warts: how it works!

Remove warts: how it works

Viruses cause mollusc warts. They are ubiquitous in children, but adults can also become infected. The warts should never be squeezed out; otherwise, the infection can spread further. It is best to contact your family doctor for treatment; he can professionally remove the mollusc wart. Homoeopathic therapy with thuja globules or tea tree oil is recommended if you want to treat the wart yourself first.

Viruses as triggers for warts

Molluscum contagiosum viruses cause mollusc warts. The viruses belong to the poxvirus family but are entirely harmless. In contrast, most other warts, such as plantar warts, are caused by human papillomavirus.

The viruses penetrate the cells of the top layer of skin and multiply there. As a result, the cells enlarge, and the wart develops. The viruses can penetrate the skin particularly easily if it is soft. Because of this, they can spread remarkably quickly in places like swimming pools or saunas. In addition, the viruses also have an easy time with people with neurodermatitis since the skin’s barrier function is reduced.


Contagious Viruses

Mollusc warts are highly contagious: They can be transmitted through direct skin contact and sexual intercourse, as well as through a smear infection. With the latter, the viruses spread through shared objects such as towels. You can then enter the body through minor skin injuries or porous skin.

How long it takes after an infection until the warts become noticeable varies greatly. The incubation period can range from a few days to a few months.

Typical appearance of mollusc warts

Mollusc warts have a typical appearance that distinguishes them from other warts, such as plantar or genital warts. They are whitish-yellow nodules with a small dent in the middle – hence their name. The surface of the wart is usually smooth.

If you press on the wart, a mushy mass comes out. However, one should avoid expressing mollusc warts. This allows the viruses to spread further, and more warts can form in the area. Because of this, mollusc warts often appear in groups or lines.


Children are particularly affected.

Mollusc warts are widespread in children and adolescents. One of the reasons for this is that their immune system still has to learn how to defend itself against virus attacks. However, adults can also get molluscs. This is particularly common when their immune system is weakened by medication or HIV infection.

Mollusc warts can appear anywhere on the body. In children, they often affect the face, neck, arms, and hands. In adults, on the other hand, the abdomen and genital area are more frequently affected. Some sufferers experience itching along with the warts.

Treat and remove mollusc warts.

Mollusc warts often go away on their own after a few months. In some cases, however, it can take years for the warts to disappear. It is also possible for them to reappear after a break.

Although mollusc warts are easy to self-diagnose due to their characteristic appearance, it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist. They can confirm the diagnosis and give you treatment tips.

A dermatologist can remove mollusc warts using a sharp spoon (curettage). Alternatively, he can squeeze them out with tweezers. The wart must then be carefully disinfected to prevent the virus from spreading. In addition, the warts can also be iced, lasered or dabbed with a potassium hydroxide solution until the wart becomes inflamed and then heals.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies

If you are affected by mollusc warts, you can also try to treat them with homoeopathic remedies. The following homoeopathic medicines are recommended:

  • Thuja-Globuli
  • Thuja-Tincture
  • Teebaumöl


Prevent warts

Infection with warts cannot always be prevented. Be sure to dry your feet thoroughly after swimming in the pool. If you are in contact with someone infected with warts, you should also consider the following behavioural measures:

  • Do not touch the warts with your finger
  • Do not share towels, washcloths or similar

Persons with neurodermatitis should apply greasy lotions to their skin regularly. This stabilizes the skin barrier and reduces the risk of infection.

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