Sore throat – tips against scratchy throat

Sore throat – tips against scratchy throat

Itchy throat, difficulty swallowinghoarseness: a sore throat often marks the beginning of a cold. However, the causes of a sore throat can be varied because a sore throat is not an independent disease but a symptom that can have very different reasons. By far, the most common cause is virus-related pharyngitis. Read here how a sore throat develops and what helps against the symptoms.

Causes of Sore Throat

Typical triggers for acute sore throats are colds, inflammation of the tonsils or other inflammations in the mouth and throat – caused mainly by viruses, less often bacteria. Severe infections such as scarlet fever or diphtheria are also diagnosed with a sore throat. Hoarseness is a sign that the inflammation also affects the larynx with its vocal cords.

In addition, severe inflammation in the oesophagus or swollen lymph nodes in the neck can lead to sore throats. Difficulty swallowing without a sore throat can, in turn, have an allergic cause or be triggered by a thyroid disease, for example.


What to do against a sore throat? The best tips!

You can treat a mild cold with a sore throat yourself with home remedies. If the symptoms do not improve significantly after two to three days, you should see a doctor. A doctor should also check out chronic or recurring sore throats and hoarseness attacks.

The following tips and home remedies will help you quickly get rid of a sore throat.

  1. Drink a lot

So that the sore throat disappears soon, it is advisable to drink plenty of water. The liquid keeps the mucous membranes moist, and cold viruses cannot multiply so well. Medicinal plants have a germ-inhibiting, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect and are suitable as tea or for gargling.

Herbal teas made from, for example:

  • Sage,
  • Thymian,
  • chamomile and
  • Malve

The famous  “hot lemon” is also a recommended home remedy for a sore throat whether hot or cold is not decisive and depends on personal preference.


 2. Gargling helps against a sore throat.

Gargling with lukewarm salt water is also one of the proven home remedies. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 0.2 litres of warm water.

Chamomile and sage tea (high concentration and steeped for a long time) are also suitable for gargling.

 3. Neck wrap as a home remedy

Many people use neck wraps to provide relief from a sore throat:

  • A kitchen towel is soaked in excellent to warm (depending on need) water, wrung out and placed around the neck.
  • Wrap a dry cloth or wool scarf over it.
  • The damp compress should take effect for between 20 and 30 minutes.

Lemon juice or oil, quark or Retterspitz ® are also suitable instead of water.

 4. Combat a sore throat with a sweat cure.

Sweating after a hot bath also has a beneficial effect. Keeping yourself – but especially your feet and neck – warm is essential to recovery when you have a sore throat.


 5. Homeopathy to treat a sore throat

Homeopathic remedies are chosen depending on the nature of the ailments. The following homoeopathic medicines are used:

  • Belladonna for burning, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and swollen tonsils
  • Phytolacca for pain radiating to the ears
  • Lycopodium when the right side of the neck is affected first
  • Lachesis, when the pain is initially localized on the left side


 6. Maintain bed rest

A home remedy helps in the truest sense: If you have a sore throat, do not feel well, or even have a fever, it is best to stay home and rest. This is precisely what is often neglected because, for example, one wants to avoid taking sick leave.

Get rid of a sore throat quickly with medication.

Many people with a sore throat resort to over-the-counter medicinal sore throat medicines from the pharmacy to be “on the job” again quickly. However, these remedies should be used for at most three days without consulting a doctor.


When should you see the doctor for a sore throat?

You should see a doctor if…

  • sore throat lasting more than three days
  • The symptoms are associated with shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or severe swallowing difficulties,
  • Pain mainly on one side of the neck or after straining the voice
  • The lymph nodes are severely swollen
  • It’s hard to open your mouth wide
  • The body temperature is persistently elevated (38 degrees Celsius for more than three days), or fever is measured over 39 degrees Celsius in adults or over 40 degrees Celsius in children,
  • sore throat associated with a rash on the face or body or raspberry-red discolouration of the tongue,
  • You suddenly or become very hoarse or
  • Sore throats are very common (more than four times a year in adults), and home remedies don’t work.

If small children have a sore throat, an early visit to the doctor is recommended.

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