States of restlessness – when body and mind do not come to rest
Inner tension, the feeling of being overwhelmed and the fear of not doing justice to anyone rob us of the joy of the day. In addition, in hectic times we often lack the time to relax and draw strength for the daily demands. The causes of nervousness and restlessness are different, the consequences are almost always the same. Body and mind lack the necessary rest. Inner peace is particularly important when we are faced with new tasks, be it in the family, at work or with friends.
Nervousness and sleep disorders – a vicious circle
Nervousness and insomnia often go hand in hand. Due to the tension during the day, we can’t rest in the evening either and we can’t get a good night’s sleep. The resulting lack of sleep turns the following day into agony. A cycle sets in that we find difficult to break.
A few simple measures usually help to regain calm and inner balance. Nature also has a large number of medicinal plants ready to help us go through the day more relaxed or switch off better in the evening.
What are the causes of inner unrest?
Almost everyone has experienced phases in their life in which they found it difficult to cope with the daily demands due to nervousness or a tendency to be over-anxious. The causes of the inner imbalance can either lie in our environment or in ourselves.
Environmental causes include :
- constant stress , be it in the family or at work
- the daily hustle and bustle due to deadline pressure and excessive workload
- excessive demands of our fellow human beings
- sensory overload
- stressful life situations
The causes that lie within us include:
- high demands on ourselves to do everything perfectly
- Hypersensitivity to the criticism of others
- disappointments
- can’t switch off
- the tendency to quickly get upset over trifles
Women are more likely to suffer from restlessness
Women often struggle with inner restlessness, especially since they are often doubly burdened by family and work. But the hormonal fluctuations during menopause also promote inner restlessness and nervousness. The expectations of men can also be so great that inner peace and balance are lost.
What are the consequences of frequent restlessness?
Normally, every phase of tension should be followed by a phase of relaxation. Reactions are triggered in the body that serve to recover. These include calm breathing, a reduced heart rate and reduced circulatory capacity.
If this recovery does not take place over a longer period of time, this has consequences for our body. The ability to defend ourselves against diseases is weakened, infectious agents can attack us more quickly. The long-term consequences are serious illnesses and physical impairments.
Constant stress also affects the psyche . Just like our body, the psyche needs time to recover. If this does not happen, depression can develop in the worst case , which must be treated by a doctor.
Anxiety that lasts for a long time is not a case for self-diagnosis. They belong in the hands of an experienced doctor. He can assess whether the fear already has the character of an illness and select a suitable therapy that takes equal account of body and soul.
9 tips for more inner peace
In order to successfully deal with states of restlessness, it makes sense to deal with your own life situation. Make a list of when you are most tense. Then think about how you can effectively deal with these situations.
The following tips can help you with this.
- If you have an excessive workload, ask those around you for help, whether at work or in your private life.
- Even if you get stuck with a task, don’t be afraid to ask others for help. Hand over tasks to others.
- Try not to put yourself under pressure. Take the time to sort your thoughts.
- Try to ban superfluous appointments from your everyday life.
- Make a work plan for yourself every day. Think about how long you need for the individual tasks and don’t be too strict with yourself. Above all, plan conscious phases of relaxation.
- Learn to think of yourself too. Everyone needs recovery periods and does not always have to be available to everyone.
- Create a physical distance from your surroundings if relaxation in the family or at work is difficult. A walk in the park, by the water or in the forest lets your thoughts come to rest.
- Learn to end the day consciously. In order to be able to fall asleep better, you should finish the daily program about two hours before going to bed. Then take the time to relax. Evening rituals are helpful.
- If it is difficult to switch off, you can take courses (at the adult education center or some health insurance companies) to learn specific relaxation techniques.
Help at the doctor or pharmacist
Drugs from pharmacies can help if you are unable to calm down due to inner restlessness, nervousness or permanent tension .
Serious mental disorders and organic diseases must be treated by a doctor. If you have been suffering from restlessness or anxiety for a long time, please clarify any illnesses with your family doctor.