Strengthen the immune system: tips for a strong immune system!

Strengthen the immune system: tips for a strong immune system!

A robust immune system can provide protection against a variety of diseases. It can, therefore, be helpful for adults and children to strengthen their immune systems to protect themselves against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, not only during the cold season. This is particularly important when your immune system is weakened – for example, due to previous illnesses, medication or certain lifestyle habits. Vitamins and minerals are crucial in strengthening the immune system, but other factors are essential in building strong immunity. Read here how you can successfully strengthen your immune system and the possible reasons for a weakened immune system.

What is the immune system?

The immune defence consists of a complex system distributed throughout the body, for example, in the skin, the mucous membranes of the nose, the lymph nodes, the intestine or the bone marrow. A distinction is made between the specific and the non-specific immune defence:

  • The non-specific immune defence, also known as the innate immune system, includes the skin’s protective acid layer, the cilia in the nose or the scavenger cells that eliminate foreign bodies that have penetrated.
  • On the other hand, the specific immune defence is also called the acquired immune system. It contains, for example, white blood cells that form precisely tailored antibodies against particular pathogens. To do this, however, the pathogen must first be identified. In the case of an infection, this is faster if the immune system already knows the pathogen from earlier, for example, through a vaccination or a previous infection.


How do I strengthen my immune system?

A robust immune system protects against infection with numerous diseases – milder infections such as a cold or sometimes dangerous diseases such as COVID-19. That is why it is essential to strengthen your immune system.

The following tips can help to naturally strengthen the immune system and build up a robust immune system:

  1. balanced nutrition
  2. Vitamins
  3. minerals
  4. the right fats
  5. Ginger
  6. Sport
  7. recreation

The following will show you how these natural home remedies can help build the immune system.

  1. Balanced diet

The right food plays a significant role in strengthening the immune system. A balanced diet provides the body with sufficient proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and the necessary minerals, vitamins and lots of roughage. This can prevent a weakening of the immune system.

The body needs some trace elements and vitamins to build new cells and keep the metabolism in balance. These include iron, vitamin B12, selenium, zinc and many other substances. Constant cell renewal is essential for the immune system, among other things, because the daily defence against pathogens leads to immune cells dying and having to be renewed.

A balanced diet is also essential for a healthy body weight. Weight fluctuations unnecessarily drain the body of energy and are often associated with an increased susceptibility to infections.

A balanced diet is also crucial because the absorption and utilization of different nutrients are mutually dependent, and a wide variety of body processes depend on nutrients. An unbalanced or one-sided diet can quickly lead to a nutrient deficiency and health problems. By taking low-dose nutrient preparations, a lack of micronutrients can be prevented. But be careful: High-dose food supplements can lead to an overdose and should, therefore, only be taken if a doctor has diagnosed a deficiency.

Even if the nutrient supply should always be balanced, certain nutrients and foods play a unique role in the immune system and are presented separately below.


 2. Vitamins

So-called free radicals are produced every day in the metabolism. These radicals do minor damage to all cells in the body that constantly need to be balanced or repaired. This is also known as oxidative stress. In order to render free radicals harmless, the organism needs the help of other substances, which include vitamins such as vitamin C.

In addition, vitamin C helps the white blood cells to form antibodies and fight off pathogens. The vitamin also supports iron absorption, an essential substance for our immune system.

Vitamin C is mainly found in fresh fruit and vegetables, serving as a natural preservative. Because the vitamin is water soluble, it can be excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, an overdose of vitamin C is usually unlikely.

In addition to vitamin C, all other vitamins are required for healthy body function and a robust immune system. For example, vitamin D, which supports our immune cells at work and has been shown to strengthen a weak immune system, should be emphasized, but vitamins A and E can also support our defences.

 3. minerals

Various minerals are essential for a robust immune system. The trace element zinc promotes the activity of immune cells and thus contributes to healthy immune protection.

Knowing that the body does not have large zinc stores is essential, so a daily intake of around 7 to 16 milligrams is recommended. Animal foods are particularly rich in zinc, so you should pay particular attention to a sufficient zinc intake in a vegetarian or vegan diet. Vegetable foods containing zinc include oatmeal, wheat bran and cereal germs.

In addition to zinc, iron and selenium, which have an antioxidant effect, can strengthen the immune system because the trace elements are required to form immune cells. Copper also plays a vital role in the immune system.

 4. The right fats

There are both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. To be absorbed, they must mix with fats in the digestive system. The unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular, have essential tasks in the metabolism, which can even include lowering the cholesterol level in the blood.

Caution: Caution is advised with higher-dosed vitamin preparations that contain fat-soluble vitamins since these cannot be excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins, making it easier to overdose.


 5. Ginger

Ginger contains so-called gingerols, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is assumed that ginger has a positive effect on the blood vessels. However, there is currently no clear scientific evidence for this.

What is certain, however, is that ginger is a veritable gold mine for vitamins and minerals: the root has a lot of vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

 6. Sport

Regular endurance training promotes blood circulation. As a result, the tissue is permanently better supplied with nutrients and warmth. If viruses or bacteria penetrate the skin or are absorbed through the mucous membranes, defence cells can be washed up more quickly and prevent the further spread of the pathogens at an early stage. Exercise also trains the cardiovascular system, preventing high blood pressure.

But it would help if you didn’t overdo it either: high-performance sports can weaken the body and, thus, the immune system in the long term.

 7. recovery

Rest can also help strengthen the immune system. Regular relaxation reduces stress hormones such as cortisol, which harms the immune system. Cortisol is a real poison for immune cells, which are prevented from multiplying or breaking down prematurely. Rest can, therefore, prevent this damaging hormone action. Therefore, plan to relax often and make sure you get enough sleep.


Which medical measures can build up the immune system?

In addition to the natural means of building up the immune system, medical measures are also available to strengthen the immune system:

  1. Vaccinations:  Vaccinations administer specific components of viruses or bacteria to the body. The immune system recognizes these, forming antibodies against the respective pathogen. The body remembers how the pathogen can be fought in an emergency so that these antibodies later also act against the intact viruses and bacteria that cause an illness in the event of an infection. Vaccinations can combat dangerous germs before you even come into contact with them.
  2. Building cures: Various cures are coordinated mixtures of vitamins, minerals and other substances that stimulate the immune system. If you are interested, ask your doctor’s office or pharmacy.

How do you recognize a weakened immune system?

Those who have a weakened immune system are more likely to suffer from infections such as colds, bronchitis and many other diseases.

The causes of a weakened immune system are often harmless factors that can be prevented by making relatively small changes in everyday life. However, there can also be severe illnesses behind it, such as lymphoma or cardiac insufficiency. In the case of increased susceptibility to infection of unknown cause, a medical examination should always be carried out.

When is the immune system weakened?

There are various reasons why the immune system can be weakened. The main reasons for this are:

  1. lack of sleep and stress
  2. Medicines, such as antibiotics
  3. Smoking
  4. Alcohol
  5. Diseases
  6. old or young age
  7. pregnancy

In addition, many other factors can also weaken the immune system, such as environmental influences such as noise and fine dust.


 8. Lack of sleep and stress

If the body does not get enough rest, it produces a stress hormone (cortisol) that helps it to cope with everyday life, even though the energy stores are already empty. This way, busy weeks that only happen once in a while can be overcome with ease.

Unfortunately, this hormone also inhibits the proliferation of immune cells simultaneously to save energy wherever it is not absolutely needed during these times. If these stressful times go on for too long without a break, the immune system cannot recover and develops weakness over time.

 9. medication

To treat various diseases, the immune system is deliberately suppressed. If, for example, the immune system attacks its own body through autoimmune diseases, the overactive immune system is more dangerous to health than a weak defence and must, therefore, be shut down. The same applies to transplants, severe allergic reactions and various diseases in which drugs are deliberately administered to inhibit the immune system.

In some instances, a weakened immune system can also occur as a side effect of a medication. This is the case, for example, with so-called cytostatics used as part of chemotherapy.

Antibiotics attack not only the bacteria that cause disease but also all the bacteria in our bodies that are susceptible to it. Among other things, however, the intestinal flora needs beneficial bacteria to do its job effectively. If this natural flora is disturbed, digestive problems follow, so nutrients can no longer be absorbed effectively.

There are also bacteria in the vaginal area of ​​women that are even important for the immune protection of the genital organs. Because if a certain type of bacteria colonizes a place, there is less room for other, potentially more dangerous germs. In addition, these bacteria ensure an acidic pH value, which protects against various infections. However, antibiotics and other medications inadvertently damage the beneficial bacteria in the vagina, which can spread fungal infections, for example.

In addition, the body is weakened by various other side effects of drugs. It is, therefore, important to only take antibiotics and other medications if a doctor has expressly prescribed them.

 10. smoking

Cigarette smoke contains numerous pollutants. These toxins attack numerous cells in the body every day, primarily those in the lungs and respiratory tract. The immune system is, therefore, constantly challenged – after all, it is constantly trying to repair the damage it has done. If there are too many pollutants, the immune system cannot keep up, and the body becomes susceptible to various diseases, including cancer.


 11. Alcohol

Various toxic substances are produced when alcohol is broken down. These, in turn, can cause damage to all organs, which, like cigarette smoke, can overwhelm the immune system.

Long-term overconsumption of alcohol can also lead to liver damage. The liver is crucial not only in the distribution of nutrients but also in the breakdown and elimination of toxins. In the case of liver damage, organs, muscles, and other tissues are inadequately supplied and flooded with toxins.

 12. diseases

The immune system can be weakened not only by pollutants. The body is weakened even if it is or has already been claimed by an illness. This is also one of the reasons why people with previous illnesses in infectious diseases experience more severe courses.

 13. Old or young age

The immune system is made up of cells. Millions of such cells are produced in our body throughout life. After a few decades, the memory is empty in the truest sense of the word – most immune cells have already been programmed against a wide variety of pathogens, and fewer can still catch up. As a result, germs that are not yet known to the body are less effectively repelled in older people.

In newborns, on the other hand, the body still has to develop – this also applies to the immune system. Various antibodies are passed from mother to child through breast milk (nest protection), but some pathogens are not covered, which is why some diseases in children are more severe.


 14. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is very demanding – both physically and emotionally. A weak immune system is, therefore, not uncommon during pregnancy. At the same time, a weakening of the mother always means a disadvantage for the unborn child. Pregnant women should, therefore, attach particular importance to strengthening the immune system.

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