Taste! 7 foods to enjoy

Living healthy doesn’t mean having to resist every culinary temptation. Here we show you which foods you can enjoy with all your senses and without regrets. In addition, we present you with a varied selection of seven foods – from apples to fish and peppers to  chocolate  , there are so many treats to choose from!


Water makes up 60 percent of the human body – you should treat yourself to at least one and a half to two liters a day. It transports  nutrients  and oxygen to the cells. In stressful situations or during physical exertion, water prevents the body from over-acidifying. If you want to lose weight, you should drink regularly: water not only relieves the feeling of hunger, it also boosts energy consumption. It comes cheap and healthy straight from the tap. Anyone who tries the many new varieties from the bottle will be amazed at the variety of tastes.


Okay, Adam and Eva didn’t like the apple – but in principle, enjoying Cox & Co. is always recommended. Apples contain over 20 minerals such as  potassium , iron, phosphorus and magnesium, plus pectins – water-soluble fiber – and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and E. Apples are filling and contain only about 50 calories per 100 grams. Bite into them !


Three times as much  vitamin C  as citrus fruits, fiber that gently stimulates digestion and calcium that is good for bones and joints: If you want to be fit, eat peppers! Red and yellow pods also contain a lot of beta-carotene, which allows skin cells to grow, green ones are rich in vitamin E, which protects body cells from free radicals.


A, B, C, and E – cabbage rules almost the entire vitamin alphabet. The winter vegetables also provide minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and  zinc  as well as fiber that keep you full for longer and promote digestion. Its glucosinolates (flavors) strengthen the immune system and are even said to protect against cancer. From white and red cabbage to Chinese cabbage to kohlrabi and broccoli, many variants ensure that the menu never gets boring.


If you are stressed, eat a pineapple! The juicy fruit takes tense people into another world, and not just because of its exotic taste. It contains the  amino acid  tryptophan, which   is further processed into the mood enhancer serotonin . Magnesium and calcium strengthen the nerves, potassium the heart, zinc the immune system and iodine the mind. Its high bromelain content has earned pineapples the reputation of a miracle fruit. The protein-splitting enzyme promotes digestion and fat reduction – but no one has ever been able to conjure up a slim figure.


Friday – Fish Day: The German Society for Nutrition recommends eating fish once a week because it is rich in iodine. This trace element is used in the production of thyroid hormones, which are important for healthy growth. In addition, fish contains protein, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D as well as potassium, zinc, fluorine and selenium, a trace element that strengthens the immune system. High-fat fish like herring and mackerel provide polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect against heart disease.


If it didn’t contain any sugar, it would even be good for your teeth – chocolate provides fluoride and tannin. Dark bars with a cocoa content of more than 55 percent are also particularly rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and can therefore prevent cardiovascular diseases, for example. On top of that, it supplies us with tryptophan, which the body needs to produce the feel-good hormone serotonin. However, you should only ever let a small piece melt on your  tongue  . Because 100 grams of chocolate also contains about 40 grams of fat and over 500 calories…

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