Test: Am I a Narcissist?
Narcissists are seen as narcissistic, selfish and lacking in empathy. And indeed, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is commonly associated with these character traits. However, narcissism is often accompanied by a profound fear of failure and the resulting emotional stress. Narcissists therefore often have problems, especially in close relationships with other people. Complications such as depression or anxiety disorders can also be triggered by a narcissistic personality disorder.
Many people wonder how to spot a narcissist or are afraid of being a narcissist themselves. Our narcissism test was created based on the modified German version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NIP-d) and offers a first indication of whether you have any signs of narcissism. Please indicate how much the following 17 statements apply to you. Don’t think about it for long, but choose the answer that you are most inclined towards as spontaneously as possible.
Please note, however, that the test can not replace a professional diagnosis . If you suspect a mental disorder, please contact your family doctor, a specialist or a psychotherapist immediately. Only experts can make an accurate diagnosis and advise you accordingly.