That’s why AstraZeneca is more dangerous than the “pill”
The side effects of the AstraZeneca corona vaccine and the birth control pill are often discussed in political programs and social media. However, the comparison must be viewed critically.
Pill  and AstraZeneca  vaccine: Various thromboses  occur.
AstraZeneca vaccination: side effects not yet known
In this context, the Federal Ministry of Health points out that the side effects of the contraceptive pill, in contrast to the AstraZeneca vaccination, are known, are listed in the package insert and the patients are made aware of them by their gynaecologist.
In contrast, the side effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine is unknown. In this case, the probability of a dangerous thrombosis must first be assessed and then the persons concerned must be informed of this by the physicians providing the information. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, stopping the vaccination is a reasonable and necessary solution until the exact connection and the persons concerned with regard to the risk of thrombosis with the AstraZeneca vaccination have been clarified.
Types of thrombosis differ
Thrombosis can occur with both the birth control pill and the AstraZeneca vaccine. The difference, however, lies in the type of thrombosis.
- The occurrence of a thrombosis while taking the contraceptive pill  is possible, but the probability is very low. Most of these are thrombosis in the legs, which can also occur after operations or long flights. They show up as swelling, pain and heat in the affected area and can easily be remedied with medication.
- The thrombosis that could be caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine  is sinus vein thrombosis. Cerebral vein and sinus thrombosis (SVT) are serious neurological diseases with a mortality rate of about 5 percent. Consequences or complications are, for example, cerebral edema, venous cerebral infarction and bleeding as well as permanently increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of SVT include headaches  and minor ailments such as fixed facial expressions, blank stares, irregular and rapid heartbeats, frequent drooling , sweating and goosebumps.
AstraZeneca vaccine needs review
The Federal Ministry of Health, together with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, is examining the connection between the AstraZeneca vaccine and the thrombosis that occurs. Until then, vaccinations with the AstraZeneca vaccine will be suspended in Germany. However, the vaccine is still approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and can continue to be used after the vaccination has been stopped. The World Health Organization (WHO) also continues to advocate the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.