The top 10 foods richest in iron

Iron  is an important trace element that is required, among other things, for the absorption and transport of oxygen. Women should consume around 15 milligrams of iron daily, and 10 milligrams is recommended for men. But where is a lot of iron in and which foods are not suitable as iron suppliers? Iron is found in both plant and animal foods, but the body can use animal iron better. Anyone who eats a purely plant-based diet should therefore consume larger amounts of iron-rich foods and pay particular attention to the right combination of foods to prevent iron deficiency. We introduce you to the top 10 foods with a lot of iron.

Foods as iron suppliers: The combination is important

If you want to eat a diet rich in iron, you should not only pay attention to the selection, but also to the combination of foods. Because while some foods inhibit the absorption of iron, others can promote it. The skilful composition is therefore just as important as the question of where a lot of iron is contained.

These foods inhibit iron absorption

The so-called  iron robbers  include calcium, magnesium and phytic acid, which is contained in some legumes or cereals, for example. These substances inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestine and should therefore not be consumed at the same time as iron sources. The polyphenols in  coffee  or black  tea  and the phosphate in cola can also impair iron absorption.

By the way: Soaking or sprouting grains and legumes can reduce the inhibitors in them. Oxalic acid, such as that found in cocoa or beetroot, is also one of the inhibitors. However, more recent studies claim that it has a very small effect.

These foods help absorb iron

By  taking  vitamin C at the same time, however, the absorption of  iron can be supported  and the effect of the inhibitors can be weakened. This combination is also particularly important for plant-based iron suppliers, since the iron they contain is harder for the body to utilize. Vitamin C can support the necessary conversion in the body and thus increase availability. Meals that combine iron-rich foods with peppers,  potatoes , broccoli, fruit or fruit juices, for example, are ideal.

Below we provide you with a  list of the ten best iron suppliers  and their iron content per 100 grams.

1. Liver (up to 30 milligrams)

Liver is the animal food with the highest iron content. The iron content depends on the type of liver:

  • Duck liver: 30 milligrams
  • Pork liver: 22.1 milligrams
  • Calf liver: 7.9 milligrams
  • Liverwurst: 5.2 milligrams

2. Wheat Bran (16 milligrams)

With an average of 16 milligrams, wheat bran is the most iron-rich grain product. Other bran flakes, on the other hand, provide only half as much iron, and oat flakes even only 4.6 milligrams per 100 grams. At breakfast, the cereal flakes can be combined with juice or  berries  , whose vitamin C promotes iron absorption.

3. Pumpkin Seeds (12.1 milligrams)

With around 12.1 milligrams, pumpkin seeds not only contain a lot of iron, but also numerous vitamins. They taste delicious in muesli, salads or soups.

4. Sesame (10 milligrams)

Sesame seeds, which also contain many vitamins, contain 10 milligrams of the valuable trace element iron. The spicy seeds are used, for example, in muesli bars,  hummus  or sweet baked goods.

5. Legumes (up to 8.6 milligrams)

Soybeans contain about 8.6 milligrams of iron, but they also contain a protein that reduces the body’s absorption of iron. Dried lentils score with an iron content of 6.9 milligrams and thus have three times as much iron as canned lentils. Other legumes are also excellent suppliers of iron, for example:

  • Mung beans: 6.8 milligrams
  • White  beans : 6 milligrams
  • Peas : 5 milligrams

6. Flaxseed (8.2 milligrams)

Flaxseeds  are known for their high fiber content and digestive properties. But their high iron content also makes them a valuable part of a healthy diet.

7. Pseudo-cereals: quinoa and amaranth

The cereal-like grains  quinoa  and amaranth are the 7th most iron-rich foods with an iron value of 8 and 7.6 milligrams respectively. Similar to millet, which also has an iron content of 5.9 milligrams, the two gluten-free seed types are ideal as an accompaniment to meat, fish and vegetables.

8. Pistachios (7.5 milligrams)

In addition to their high iron content, pistachio nuts are particularly valuable because of their unsaturated fatty acids. They are suitable for use in  pesto , nibbles, ice cream or as a small snack in between.

9. Chicken Yolk (7.2 milligrams)

Egg yolks are a good source of iron, especially if you don’t eat the eggs whole. Because egg whites contain inhibitors for the absorption of iron.

10. Chanterelles (6.5 milligrams)

With 6.5 milligrams per 100 grams, fresh chanterelles contain plenty of iron – in the dried form even significantly more. This puts them clearly ahead of other mushrooms: mushrooms, for example, only provide around 1 milligram of the valuable trace element per 100 grams.

Iron in spices and herbs

Measured by their iron content per 100 grams, some herbs and spices beat the foods mentioned by far. However, since they are usually only consumed in small quantities, they are ultimately of little importance as a supplier of iron. Among others, the following representatives of this category have a high iron value:

  • Cardamom: 100 milligrams
  • Parsley  (dried): 97.8 milligrams
  • Spearmint (dried): 87.5 milligrams
  • Cinnamon: 38.1 milligrams
  • Nettles (dried): 32.3 milligrams

If you pay attention to the iron content of the food when putting together your menu, you do not need to worry about iron deficiency and can safely do without taking iron supplements.

How much iron is in spinach?

As we know today,  spinach ,  which was long considered the ideal source of iron, provides significantly less iron than was previously thought. Not only is there actually only about 3.5 to 4 milligrams of iron per 100 grams of spinach instead of the previously assumed 35 milligrams. It also contains oxalic acid, which is one of the inhibitors mentioned above and could make iron absorption more difficult.

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