These 5 medicinal plants help when there is an alarm in the intestines

Stomach and intestinal problems manifest themselves in the form of flatulence, diarrhea, but also constipation and pain. Medicinal plants can have a positive effect on the digestive system and naturally alleviate symptoms. The most important medicinal plants for gastrointestinal problems and their effects at a glance.

In herbal medicine, problems of the digestive system are among the largest areas of application. These five medicinal plants support the stomach and intestines.

1. Fennel: Sweet or bitter

Fennel comes in sweet and bitter forms. It impresses with its essential oils and is particularly  useful for flatulence , indigestion, colic and abdominal pain. Fennel is mostly ingested as fennel tea or fennel honey.

Fennel is not only a real all-rounder for gastrointestinal complaints. It can also support the body in restlessness and  colds  .

2. Stomach friend chamomile

Chamomile can reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestines. The essential oils of chamomile have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect and disinfect from the inside. Chamomile can also relieve pain in the mouth, throat and esophagus.

Chamomile is usually taken in the form of chamomile tea or as drops. Drinking two to three cups of chamomile tea throughout the day can support the body.

3. Peppermint: Natural antispasmodic

Like fennel and chamomile, peppermint can be found in the home garden. The essential oil (menthol), bitter substances and triterpenes are responsible for the healing properties of mint. It stimulates bile activity, has an antispasmodic effect on the stomach and intestines and strengthens the stomach in the event of  nausea , vomiting and colic.

Peppermint is usually taken as a  tea  or drops (20 drops) with water. Peppermint is also recommended as a refreshment in the water.

4. Anise, a stomach strengthener

Anise also has various essential oils and the plant substance estragole. The popular spice can help with flatulence, bloating and colic. Anise has an antiseptic, slightly laxative and stomachic effect and is particularly useful as a tea, drops or ointments.

5. Bloodroot for diarrhea

Bloodroot has many tannins, which are particularly   effective in diarrheal diseases . It supports the body in acute and subacute intestinal inflammation, intestinal colic and diarrhea.

Bloodroot has an antiviral, antibacterial, immune-stimulating effect and can lower blood pressure. Bloodroot is usually taken in the form of tea or a special tincture.

Medicinal plants can support the body with gastrointestinal complaints and relieve pain. If problems persist, a doctor should still be contacted.


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