Tinnitus treatment: Which therapy helps?
Table of Contents
ToggleTinnitus depending on the severity, it can be a significant burden for those affected. This is particularly true if it is chronic tinnitus that has existed for more than three months or keeps recurring. Many affected people are therefore looking for an effective therapy to treat the ringing in the ears. Even though chronic tinnitus often cannot be cured, there are some remedies and strategies to reduce the burden of ringing in the ears.
In this picture gallery we provide an overview of the different treatment methods and explain, among other things, which medications are used for tinnitus and which therapeutic agents are available to relieve tinnitus. You will also learn how technical means, such as noise and tinnitus apps, can help reduce exposure.
However, it is important, especially when tinnitus begins, to always seek medical advice first. Depending on the cause, the tinnitus can then ideally be treated with the appropriate treatment Therapy can be resolved quickly.
Cortisone for tinnitus
Cortisone can be administered intravenously. In addition, tablets containing cortisone are often used in the first six to eight weeks after tinnitus occurs. In rare cases, the cortisone is also injected directly into the inner ear. The use of cortisone is said to have a positive effect on inflammation in the ear and prevent the development of water retention (edema).
Intravenous medication for tinnitus
Intravenous Medicines are used as a treatment primarily for acute tinnitus if it does not improve on its own after 24 to 48 hours. These are usually local anesthetics, so-called glutamate receptor blockers as well as plasma expanders and vasodilators.
These agents serve to increase the amount of fluid present in the blood and dilate the blood vessels. This is intended to normalize the blood flow and also the function of the nerves in the inner ear, as impairments in these areas are often associated with ringing in the ears.
Tinnitus noiser (TN) and tinnitus masker
For Tinnitus Noisers the English word “Noise” for “noise”. Noisers are devices that artificially generate noise. Tinnitus maskers also work with noise. The difference: With the tinnitus noiser, the noise is quieter than tinnitus and is intended to “embed” the noise in the ear into the noise, so to speak. With a tinnitus masker, the noise is intended to drown out the tinnitus. Both devices are also said to have a calming effect and thus help reduce stress levels.
The devices are available individually. If you also have hearing loss , you can also use hearing aids with an integrated noiser. Noisers are available in different designs. In principle, the costs for this are covered by the health insurance companies. If more advanced functions are available (e.g. adjusting the noise to suit your personal hearing curve), those affected may incur additional costs.
Treatment in a tinnitus clinic
Treatment in a special tinnitus clinic may be appropriate for tinnitus of high severity. This so-called decompensated tinnitus is associated with negative consequences for all areas of life and triggers subsequent symptoms such as sleep disorders or depression . Tinnitus clinics usually specialize in the treatment of these secondary symptoms and are often rehabilitation clinics.
With the help of different forms of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or tinnitus management therapy (TBT), the aim is to change the way we deal with tinnitus, which can lead to alleviation of the subsequent symptoms. Relaxation exercises and sound therapy are often used as an accompaniment.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus
Cognitive Behavioral therapy can help improve the quality of life of people with tinnitus and counteract depressive moods, according to the results of various scientific studies. As part of the therapy, thought and behavior patterns are practiced that can help to re-evaluate the ringing in the ears and reduce the stress caused by it. In addition to the classic treatment with a therapist, there are now also options for using the therapy at home, for example via an app.
Tinnitus app as therapy
Mittlerweile bieten einige Krankenkassen und Unternehmen Apps zur Behandlung von Tinnitus an. Diese verfügen über unterschiedliche Inhalte und Funktionen, wie beispielsweise eine kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, entspannende Geräusche oder Entspannungs- und Einschlafübungen.
Zum Teil sind die Apps kostenpflichtig, wobei häufig auch eine Kostenübernahme durch die Krankenkasse möglich ist (beispielsweise über eine ärztliche Verschreibung). Ihre jeweilige Krankenkasse oder Ihr*e behandelnde*r Ärztin*Arzt können Sie hier entsprechend beraten.
Wirkung von Musik bei Tinnitus
Generell kann das Hören von Musik bei Tinnitus zur Entspannung beitragen und damit auch die psychische Belastung durch den Tinnitus mindern. Unterschiedliche Anbieter haben zudem Tinnitus-Apps entwickelt, die mit frequenzgefilterter Musik arbeiten. Das heißt, die Frequenz des Tinnitus wird bestimmt und die Frequenz der Musik an diese angepasst. Die Musik wird circa 90 Minuten pro Tag über Kopfhörer gehört. Dadurch soll der Tinnitus sozusagen “ausgeschaltet” werden, wodurch die Lautstärke der Ohrgeräusche abnehmen soll.
Tinnitus mit Musiktherapie behandeln
Die Musiktherapie bei Tinnitus kann zum einen darauf beruhen, dass die Betroffenen Musik in einem bestimmten Frequenzbereich hören und das Ohrgeräusch dadurch besser ausblenden können. Alternativ gibt es auch Therapieformen, bei denen die Betroffenen selbst singen oder summen. Dies soll dazu beitragen, dass sich bestimmte Strukturen im Gehirn verändern und soll vor allem bei Ohrgeräuschen wirkungsvoll sein, die auf Störungen der Nerven zurückzuführen sind.
Eine wissenschaftliche Studie der Universität des Saarlandes und des Deutschen Zentrums für Musiktherapieforschung Heidelberg aus dem Jahr 2015 weist auf positive Effekte einer solchen Musiktherapie in Kombination mit Entspannungstechniken hin.
Hausmittel bei Tinnitus
“Hausmittel” im klassischen Sinne gibt es bei Tinnitus nicht. Dennoch können Betroffene selbst einiges tun, um die Beschwerden, die mit dem Tinnitus einhergehen, zu lindern. Könnte der Tinnitus mit Stress zusammenhängen, sollte dieser nach Möglichkeit reduziert werden. Auch ein Gespräch mit dem*der Arbeitgeber*in, dem*der Partner*in kann hier hilfreich sein. Scheuen Sie sich auch nicht, psychotherapeutische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen. Zudem gibt es viele Selbsthilfegruppen, die einen Austausch zum Thema möglich machen.
Zusätzlich kann ein gesunder Lebensstil zur Reduzierung der Beschwerden beitragen. Dazu gehören ausreichend Bewegung sowie eine Einschränkung des Alkohol- und Nikotinkonsums, da beides den Tinnitus verstärken kann. Entspannungsübungen in den Alltag zu integrieren, ist ebenfalls ein gutes Mittel, um besser mit den Ohrgeräuschen umzugehen. Insgesamt sollten Betroffene darauf achten, sich und ihrem Körper etwas Gutes zu tun.
Hilft Ginkgo bei Tinnitus?
Preparations with Ginkgo biloba have been a popular herbal remedy for treating tinnitus for many years. It is said to relieve the symptoms by having a positive effect on the blood flow in the ears.
However, scientific studies have not yet found any effectiveness of ginkgo in the treatment of tinnitus. However, especially with products with a high proportion of ginkgolic acids, allergic reactions and side effects such as nausea can occur. In addition, interactions can occur when taking blood-thinning medications (such as acetylsalicylic acid, ASA) at the same time. Ginkgo preparations should therefore only be taken on medical advice.
Tinnitus: exercises for the cervical spine
Blockages in the cervical spine or severe tension in the neck muscles are suspected of influencing adjacent nerves and nerves in the brain and thus triggering ringing in the ears. In this case, targeted exercises to loosen and stretch the muscles can help to alleviate the ringing in the ears. For example, you can reach your hand over your head to the opposite temple and then gently pull your head to the side with your hand until a slight stretch is felt.
Your treating doctor can help you choose the right exercises. If the tinnitus is caused by blockages in the cervical spine, physiotherapy specialists can also help. Osteopathy can also be a treatment option for muscular tension.
Jaw exercises for tinnitus
Tension in the jaw area, for example due to nighttime grinding of teeth, is also suspected of triggering tinnitus. Basically, it can help to relax the jaw joint through targeted exercises, such as pushing the slightly open jaw back and forth or a jaw massage.
In addition to specialists in ear, nose and throat medicine, experts in the field of orthodontics, manual therapy or dentistry can also serve as contact persons for tinnitus caused by jaw problems.
Magnesium as a remedy for tinnitus
Magnesium can improve blood flow and dilate blood vessels. If the ringing in the ears is related to impaired blood flow or too low or too high blood pressure, magnesium can be taken on medical advice.Â
Acupuncture for tinnitus
Acupuncture is one of the alternative healing methods used in tinnitus therapy. As a supplement to conventional medical treatment, acupuncture is intended to help alleviate symptoms and also alleviate accompanying symptoms such as depressive moods and sleep disorders. There are currently no scientific studies proving the effectiveness of acupuncture for tinnitus.
Hypnosis against tinnitus
Hypnosis is intended to help those affected by tinnitus resolve inner conflicts and reduce stress. The aim is to uncover the underlying problems of tinnitus. The way in which the noises in the ears are evaluated should also be changed as part of the therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for tinnitus?
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves increasing the amount of pure oxygen in the blood by breathing in pure oxygen through an oxygen mask. This takes place in a pressure chamber because the increased external pressure allows more oxygen to be dissolved in the blood. This is intended to improve the supply of oxygen to tissue. The effectiveness of therapy for chronic tinnitus has not been proven. In rare cases, side effects such as damage to the eardrum can also occur.