Vaginal thrush (vaginal mycosis): causes, symptoms and treatment
Itching in the genital area, increased discharge or burning when urinating – three out of four women will develop a fungal infection of the vagina at some point in their lives. In 80 per cent of cases, the cause is an infection with the yeast fungus Candida albicans. A healthy vagina has a pH of 3.5 to 4.5. The reason: the large numbers of lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which makes the vaginal environment “sour” and thus keeps potential germs in check. This is why there are only a few fungi in the natural vaginal flora. However, if the vaginal flora is out of balance due to internal or external factors, the fungi can multiply, and this can lead to signs of illness.
Symptoms of vaginal thrush
The average discharge is clear to milky white and almost odourless. Its quantity and composition vary depending on the cycle phase: Shortly before ovulation, it is thinner, more glassy and “spinnable” (it can be pulled out into a thread); in the later phase of the cycle, it is more whitish and tougher.
If the colour, texture or smell changes significantly, the cause must be found and, if necessary, treated with medication. Characteristic of a fungal infection (candidiasis) is a whitish, greasy, crumbly discharge that smells like yeast dough. Itching and a burning sensation in the vagina are also common symptoms associated with vaginal thrush. Pain during intercourse is also possible.
Fungal or bacterial infection? Discharge as an indication
Vaginal infections are caused by bacteria in 60 per cent of all cases. Itching and burning can be signs of both fungal and bacterial infection. Increased discharge with a fishy smell indicates a bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis).
In contrast, with a fungal infection, the discharge is yellowish or white, initially greasy, later crumbly like quark and odourless, or only smelling yeasty. The doctor can obtain absolute certainty as to which pathogen is responsible for the vaginal infection with a smear test.
What does vaginal thrush look like?
In the case of vaginal thrush, swelling and redness can occur in the area of the labia. The whitish, crumbly discharge can also form a coating on the mucous membranes of the vagina. Small blisters may also be seen around the edges of the fungal infection.
Causes: How does vaginal thrush develop?
Candida albicans is a so-called facultative pathogen. This means it is part of the normal skin and gastrointestinal flora but can cause infections under certain circumstances.
Possible causes include:
- Stress
- excessive genital hygiene
- a changed hormone balance ( pregnancy, menopause, taking the pill)
- Menstruation (due to the alkaline concentrated blood)
- Sperm (sperm fluid is alkaline)
All of this can upset the sensitive vaginal environment, allowing the fungi to multiply. Damage to the lactic acid bacteria after antibiotic or cortisone treatment is also more common; more rarely, the pathogens are transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Vaginal thrush is highly contagious and can be spread through close physical contact or contaminated surfaces, such as in the bathroom. This can cause penis fungus in men.
Risk factors for vaginal thrush
Various factors can contribute to vaginal thrush development:
- Mushrooms like it damp and warm – therefore, avoid clothing that is too tight or damp! Tight jeans, underwear made of synthetic fibres or a wet bathing suit promote infection. It is better to wear breathable clothing and change wet clothing quickly.
- Correct “wiping technique” when visiting the toilet (always away from the vagina in the direction of the anus) to avoid self-infection.
- Scented products, alkaline soaps or excessive hygiene can also promote an infection with Candida albicans. It is better to use pH-neutral preparations for cleaning.
A change in diet can also be helpful. Unsweetened natural yoghurt improves the intestinal and vaginal environment, and a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and whole grain products strengthens the immune system. These simple home remedies will help prevent vaginal thrush.
treatment of vaginal thrush
A doctor should be consulted in the following cases: If
- an infection occurs for the first time
- After three days of therapy, there is no improvement
- an infection keeps coming back (more than four times in the last 12 months)
- Young girls or pregnant women are affected
- the discharge is bloody, yellow, greenish, or smells bad, or you have other symptoms, such as abdominal pain or fever
Abdominal pain is rather unusual with vaginal thrush and can also be an indication of bacterial vaginosis, for example.
Medicines for vaginal thrush
Effective medications – so-called antimycotics – are available to treat fungal diseases. Vaginal thrush is treated with cream, suppositories or vaginal tablets. These preparations must be used for the prescribed duration and correctly. The suppositories should be inserted with the enclosed applicator and not left out when applying the ointment to the perineum and anus.
However, paying attention to proper hygiene during an infection is also essential. There are unique care products to support the acidic pH value in the intimate area.