Valentine’s Day: These 10 foods heat up your love life

More desire thanks to natural aphrodisiacs! The active ingredients owe their name to the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. They should increase the libido, i.e. the feeling of pleasure, promote potency and increase sexual desire.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we show you the best pleasure makers for intense lovemaking at a glance:

1. Pomegranate

The apple has always stood for seduction, sin and lust – the  pomegranate in  particular counts as the apple of love. The fruit juice contains phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition and structure to the female sex hormone.

2. Ginger heats up

Ginger  is perfect as a spice in Asian dishes. The ingredients zingiberol and gingerol promote blood circulation. In China, the hot root is used as an aphrodisiac, representing sensuality and sexual desire.

3. Chili for hot nights

The pod stimulates the organism, thanks to the spiciness endorphins are released. The advantage of  chili : tastes good in almost every dish and can therefore always be used as a spice.

4. Maca – der Sextipp der Inca

The South American tuber is similar to the  potato , but makes you want to eat more. Maca increases libido and increases sex drive. The ideal pleasure-maker in the main course.

5. Oysters, fish and crustaceans

The companions in a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner: scampi,  fish  and shrimp stimulate the production of testosterone. The male sex hormone contributes to the production of sperm and promotes blood circulation.;

6. Super-(Sex)-Food Avocado

The  superfood for male potency: Thanks to the vitamins D and E, the avocado  makes the   male partner more lustful. Amino acids also promote   the production of serotonin. The happiness hormone puts a smile on the faces of both partners.

7. Champagne

In moderation,  champagne is  the ultimate erotic drink. It promotes blood circulation, uninhibites body and mind and stimulates desire and potency. Attention: Too much alcohol can lead to erection problems in men. An enjoyable glass as a warmer is enough.

8. Vanilla as an erotic dessert

The substances in the  vanilla bean  are similar to human sexual attractants. Especially during lovemaking, the pheromones between the two sexual partners are increasingly released.

9. Chocolate as a beguiling dessert

Thanks to the phenylethylamine in  chocolate  , the body feels pleasure and desire. The dessert is the perfect appetizer for a hot time in bed.

10. Strawberries: the perfect vanilla and chocolate trio

The fruits provide the body with  zinc  and  vitamin C. In addition, the  folic acid  in the  strawberry is  responsible for a lot of endurance between the sheets.

More Valentine’s Day tips

For a relaxed Valentine’s Day, it’s also worth putting away the cell phone, reducing stress and sleeping in together –  stress  and lack of sleep reduce the desire for sex. Sport  , on the other hand, can be a real pleasure maker. Enjoy the right foods, seduce your partner and experience an erotic Valentine’s Day together.

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