What are myogeloses?
Myogeloses are hardening of the muscle that can be felt in the form of knots or bulges. As a rule, myogeloses react pain-sensitive to pressure and cause restricted movement. These pea- to olive-sized thickenings of muscle develop along the fiber course of the musculature. The emergence of these hardenings is a process that can drag on for months. But what is their cause? And how to treat myogelosis?
Causes of myogelosis
There is disagreement about the exact cause of myogelosis, which is often diagnosed in chronic pain patients. What is certain is that there are local metabolic changes in the muscle and inflammation , which causes the pain.
When the muscles are subjected to increased stress, for example during sports, the oxygen requirement of the cells increases and metabolic products are produced which cause an acidic environment (lactate). If the body cannot keep up with the oxygen supply and the acidic substances cannot be transported away, cell death and atrophy of the muscle fibers will gradually occur (atrophy). The muscle is gradually replaced by connective tissue, it becomes tight and knotty – myogelosis has formed.
This is the case with constant overexertion, but can also be promoted by incorrect loading.
Myogeloses from cervical to lumbar spine
The musculature of the musculoskeletal system is susceptible to myogeloses, as it is stressed all day long, even without additional physical exertion; Long, sedentary, forced postures at work, a generally poor posture or an incorrect sleeping position primarily affect the back, shoulder and neck muscles.
Myogelosis can also occur as a consequence, and often as the only symptom, of another underlying disease. In the sense of a protective function, the musculature then cramps as a reaction to a constant stimulus, for example a herniated disc or a malocclusion.
But this – initially sensible – reflex can lead to other problems, such as tension headaches or radiating pain in the arms and legs.
therapy of myogelosis
Early treatment is important to counteract muscle remodeling and the development of chronic pain. Symptomatic therapy consists of prescribing pain medication, muscle relaxants and physiotherapy, but these measures are often not sufficient. If the pain is severe, local anesthesia is also an option.
Treat myogelosis with massage
Heilungschancen bieten alternative Behandlungsmethoden, zum Beispiel die Osteopraktik. Osteopraktik vereint Chiropraktik, Akupunktur und Massagen und bietet somit gleich mehrere Ansatzpunkte. Ziel ist jeweils die Durchblutungsförderung der Muskulatur, um die sauren Stoffwechselprodukte abzutransportieren. Auch manche Diäten versprechen Erfolge, indem sie die Säurezufuhr durch ausgewählte Nahrungsmittel reduzieren.
Eine Methode, die Ursachenforschung betreibt, ist die Ergotherapie. Die Situation im Alltag, am Arbeitsplatz und beim Sport wird analysiert und Fehlhaltungen korrigiert.
Myogelosenbehandlung: Tipps für zu Hause
If you want to do something yourself against myogelosis, simple measures often help: heat is good for muscles with tension. Hot pads or contrast showers stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscles.
If you want to prevent myogelosis, you should pay attention to your posture and exercise and stretch regularly during sport – this keeps the muscles supple.