World Laughter Day: Laughter is the best medicine
Basically, there are many situations that encourage laughter. You can laugh with other people or at others, such as cabaret artists and comedians. Laughter can have a positive effect on the body and mind.
1. Laughter strengthens the immune system
Laughter can have a special impact on our immune system  . After a prolonged fit of laughter, the activity and number of natural killer cells are increased in addition to the T-lymphocytes, and the antibodies to the immunoglobulins  also multiply.
In addition to the killer cells, the gamma interferon, which is needed to fight a viral infection, also increases.
2. Laughter is good for the psyche
Laughing stimulates various cognitive processes and also produces various happy hormones such as serotonin  . This has a positive effect on our mental health and can sweeten the day in the long term. Emotional stress such as stress  can be reduced.
3. Laughter trains the brain
Laughter can also be a bit of a challenge for the head: It has not yet been proven where exactly humor or laughter in general is anchored in the brain. Depending on the type of laughter, different centers are activated in the brain.
For example, you have to think longer about a joke or its punch line than about funny videos. Being tickled by another person can also give other “impulses to laugh”.
However, jokes travel a long way via the ear to the auditory center, further to language comprehension, to the cerebral hemisphere of the relevant emotions. Until the brain has processed the joke, many brain areas and many thousands of brain cells are working on it.